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úÿ,s ;rmamq fm<la
ldka;djla ì,s .kshs

^ùäfhda iu.&

uOHu Ökfha idmamq ixlSrKhl úÿ,s n,fhka l%shd lrk ;rmamq fm<la ;=,g jeà ldka;djla ñhf.dia we;s nj m%dfoaYSh udOH jd¾;d lrhs' urKhg m;a ldka;dj ish orejd iu. ;rmamq fmf<a .uka lrk wdldrh;a ;rmamq fm< wjidkfha hlv mqjrej lvd f.k ;rmamq fm< ;=,g weh jefgk wdldrh;a idmamq ixlSrKfha l%shd;aul jk wdrlaIl leurd j, igyka ù ;sfí'

laishdka.a ,shqcqjEka kï tu ldka;djg
;ud ;rmamq fm< ;=,g jeàug fmr ish orejd wdrla‍Is; f,i ;rmamqfjka bj;a lsÍug yelshdj ,enqKq njhs jd¾;d jkafka' uOHu Ökfha yqfnhs kï m<df;a isÿ jQ fuu isÿùu idmamq ixlS¾Kh flfrys m%foaYfha ck;djf.a fldamh we;s lsÍug iu;a ù ;sfí'

idmamq ixlSrK fiajlhska úiska ldka;dj msg;g we§ug W;aidy l<;a weh ;rmamq fm< ;=,g we§ hdu je,elaùug fkdyels jQ njhs mejfikafka' idmamq ixlS¾K l<ukdlrKfhka fï jk ;=re lsisÿ m%ldYhla ksl=;a lr ke;s w;r m%dfoaYSh fmd,sish úiska isÿ ùu iïnkaOfhka úu¾Ykhla wdrïN lr we;s njhs m%dfoaYSh udOH jd¾;d lrkafka'
;yjqre lr fkdue;s jd¾;d mjikafka f.dvke.s,af,a kv;a;= Ndrj isák fiajlhka úiska tu úÿ,s ;rmamq fmf<a m%;sixialrK lghq;= isÿ lr we;s w;r ;rmamq fm< wjidkfha hlv mqjrej udre fldg we;s kuq;a th hlv wek oud ksis f,i iú lsÍug wu;l ù we;s njhs'

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