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msgfldgqfõ .uka u,af,a ;snQ
isref¾ we;a; fukak
ñ ldka;dj /£ isá
,e.=ï yf,ys iS'iS'à'ù' o¾Yk

msgfldgqj neiaáhka udjf;a msysá fm!oa.,sl nia kej;=ï‍fmdf<a wkqrdOmqr niakej;=ï‍fmd< wi, ;snQ .=jka .uka nE.hl nyd ;sì yuqjQ ldka;d u< isrer hdmkh m%foaYfha mÈxÑ tla ore ujlf.a hehs fy<sù ;sfí'

fuf,i wìryia f,i >d;kh lr we;af;a hdmkfha jvqlafldafvhs Ôj;a jQ 34 yeúßÈ rka.ka ld¾ksld kue;s tlaore ujls'fmd,sish i|yka lrk mßÈ weh jir ;=kl muK ld,hla fld<U m%foaYfha mÈxÑj isg we;' mÍlaIKj,§ fy<sù mßÈ wehf.a iajdñhd úfoaY /lshdjl ksr; njg f;dr;=re ,enqKq njh'

fmf¾od ^29& fmrjrefõ  fuu .=jka .uka nE.h yuqjQ w;r miqj fuu isoaêh iïnkaOfhka fld<U wmrdO fldÜGdih yd msgfldgqj ‍fmd,sish tlaj mÍlaIKhla Èh;a lr ;snq‚'

fï jk úg ‍fmd,sia mÍlaIK lKavdhï fuu .=jka .uka nE.h /f.k wd ;%sfrdao r:fha ßheÿrdf.ka wod< kjd;eka‍fmdf<a fiajlhkaf.kao m%ldY igyka lrf.k ;sfí'

>d;khg ,lajQ fuu ;eke;a;shf.a uj Bfha ^30& rd;%sfhau hdmkh isg fld<U n,d meñŒug msg;a jQ nj;a weh meñ‚ jydu ‍fmd,sia uD; YÍrd.drfha ;ekam;a lr we;s fuu ;eke;a;shf.a uD; YÍrh ms<sn| mYapd;a urK mÍlaIKh isÿlrk njo ‍fmd,sish lshhs'

fmf¾od Èkg wehf.a uD; foayfha PdhdrEm udOH yryd m%isoaêhg m;a lsÍu;a iu. wehf.a hdmkh m%foaYfha mÈxÑ uj úiska fï ms<sn| úia;r ‍fmd,sishg imhd ;sfí'

fï w;r weh fyÜáùÈfha ,e.=ïy<l Èk lsysmhla .; l< njgo ‍fmd,sishg Bfha f;dr;=re ,eì ;sfí'

>d;khg ,lajQ ;eke;a;sh bl=;a 22 od fyÜáùÈfha msysá ,e.=ïy,lg f.dia we;ehs mÍlaIKj,§ fy<sù ;sfí' ta fjk;a mqreIhl= iu.h' flfia fj;;a 29od wod< mqoa.,hd fuu .=jka .uka nE.ho ;j;a mqoa.,hka fofokl=f.a wdOdr we;sj kjd;eka‍fmd< isg ud¾.hg f.keú;a ;%sfrdao r:hlg ouk whqreo ta wi, we;s iSiSàù leurd o¾Ykj,ska wkdjrKh ù we;ehs ‍fmd,sish mjihs'

Bfha ^30& rd;%sh jk úg;a >d;kh iïnkaOfhka f;dr;=re fy<sù fkd;snQ w;r Tyq fidhd ‍fmd,sish mÍlaIK mj;ajhs'>d;khg ,lajQ rka.ka ld¾ksld ;eke;a;shg 7 yeúßÈ Èh‚hlao isák nj ‍fmd,sish lshhs'

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