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uy weu;s m%ikak w,a,ila b,a,d'''
uqo,a b,a¨‍ ixjdo ish,a, má.; lr,

niakdysr uyweu;s m%ikak rK;=x. uy;d re' ñ,shk 64 l w,a,ila b,a,d ;¾ckh l< njg is,slia fglafkdf,dð kï wdrlaIl leurd iy wê ;dlaI‚l WmlrK furgg f.kajk iud.ul ysñlrejl= úiska lrk ,o meñ‚,a,lg wkqj fmd,sia uQ,H wmrdO fldÜGdYh fï jk úg mÍlaIK wdrïN lr we;s w;r tys jeäÿr f;dr;=re wkdjrKh fjñka ;sfí'

fuu w,a,i uqo, b,a,d we;af;a fldf,dkakdj" óf;dg uq,a, mdf¾ wxl 251$9 ia:dkfha msysá wlalr 2 m¾pia 8 l bvula ny¨‍ï wx.khla iy .nvd ixls¾Khla bÈlsÍu i|yd tys wkjir mÈxÑlrejka bj;a lsÍug niakdysr m<d;a iNdfjka fiajh ,nd.ekSu i|yd;a" tu .nvd ixlS¾Kh m<d;a iNdjgu nÿ§u i|yd;a jq tlÕ;djhlg t,ôfï§h'
fuysÈ  uyweu;sjrhd iDcqju uqo,a b,a¨‍ nj;a" Uyqg th iDcqju ,nd.; fkdyels neúka Tyqf.a ìß| iy ;j;a {d;s fidfydhqßhla kñka meñ‚,slre iuÕ wjfndaO;d .súiqulg t,ô nj;a meñ‚,af,a oelafõ' fuu .súiqu 2014'01'17  Èk w;aika lr we;' tu .súiqu wkqj fuu jHdmdrfha ,dNfhka 31] la jxpksl f,i ,nd.eksug uyweu;sjrhd lghq;= lr we;'

flfia fj;;a fuu bvfï ysñlre uq,H wmyiq;d fya;=fjka fuu bvu 2015'03'03 Èk re' ñ,shk 209'08 lg fgdalsfhda isfuka;s úl=Kd we;'

bvu úl=Kq nj oek.;a m%ikak rK;=x. uy;d meñ‚<slre fj; ÿrl:kfhka wu;d fplafmd; /f.k ;ud yuqjg meñfKk f,i ;¾ckh lr we;' m%Odk wud;Hjrhd bvfï wkjir mÈxÑlrejka bj;alsßug;a" bvu f.dvlsÍu i|yd bvï f.dvlsÍfï yd ixj¾Okh lsÍfï ixia:dfõ wkque;sh ,nd .ekSu i|yd;a ;ud úiska ,nd fokq ,enq iyfhda.h i|yd re' ñ,shk 64 la ;udg ,nd fok f,i b,a,d ;u ìß| jk fudßka rK;=x. iy {d;sfhl= jk kf¾Ê *dßla hk whf.a kï j,g fplam;a 11 uÕska tu uqo, 2015'04'10 Èk meñ‚,slref.ka ,ndf.k we;' tu fplam;a w;=ßka wxl 597706 orK fplam; i|yd re'ñ,shk 5 la o 597719 orK fplam; i|yd re' ñ,shk 3 la o ,ndf.k we;s w;r" jHdmdßlhd wfkl=;a fplam;a w.reùug bvyer we;'

fuf,i  fplam;a 9 la w.reùu ksid fldamhg m;a uy weu;sjrhd meñ‚,slreg yd Tyqf.a ìß|g  2015'04'28 Èk uyweu;s ld¾hd,hg meñfKk f,i ;¾ckh lr we;' tf,i meñ‚ miqj tu wjia:dfõ jQ ixjdoh wê ;dlaI‚l ishqï WmlrKhla uÕska meñ‚,slre úiska má.; lr we;' fuys§ uy weu;sjrhdf.a ;¾ck ksid ìhgm;a meñ‚,slre h<s;a re' ñ,shk 38'1  l jákdlñka hq;= fplam;a 8 la fudßka rK;=x. iy kf¾Ê *dßla hk whg ,ndÈ we;'

uy weu;sjrhd ;¾ckh lrñka mreI jpkfhka neK jÈñka fuu uqo,a b,a¨‍ ixjdo ish,a, má.; lr CD ;eá 3 la uÕska idlaIs f,i bÈßm;alr we;' Bg wu;rj ,ndÿka fplam;a ms<sn| ish¨‍ f;dr;=reo idlaIs f,i Tyq úiska bÈßm;a lr we;'

fï ms<sn|j n%yiam;skaod ^02& m%ikak rK;=x. uy;df.a ìßo jk fudßka rK;=x. uy;añhf.kao fmd,sia uq,H wmrdO fldÜGdYh m%ldYhla igyka lr f.k ;sì‚'

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