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o yskaÿ mqj;am;g isßfiak,d udrefjhs
uyskaof.a l+G Wml%uhg f.k wd
vqma,sflaÜ isßfiak;a ckm;s lr,d''

j;auka ckdêm;s ffu;‍%Smd, isßfiak uy;d hehs mjiñka ckdêm;sjrK iufha§ zvqma,sflaÜ isßfiakz kñka ckm‍%sh jQ ckdêm;s wfmalaIhl= jQ wd¾'ta' isßfiak uy;df.a PdhdrEmhla bkaÈhdfõ m%lg zo yskaÿz mqj;am; úiska m< lr ;sfí'‍

bÈß uy ue;sjrKfha§ uyskao rdcmlaI uy;dg tli;a ck;d ksoyia ikaOdkfhka kdufhdackd Ndr§u iïnkaOfhka ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;df.a ia:djrh ms<sn|j ,shjqKq úu¾Ykd;aul ,smshla ioyd fuu PdhdrEmh fhdodf.k we;'

tys isákafka ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d iy wd¾'ta' isßfiak uy;d jk w;r fuh ue;sjrKh Èkfha Pkaoh m%ldY lsÍug hk wjia;dfõ .kakd ,o PdhdrEmhla fõ'

zo yskaÿz mqj;a m; tu PdhdrEmh kï lr ;snqfKa Y‍%S ,xld ckdêm;s ffu;‍%Smd, isßfiak uy;d ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI iu. tlg PdhdrEmfha isákjd hkqfjks'

,smsh m,jQ miq fndfyda mdGlhka woyia olajd ;snqfKa fuh jerÈ PdhdrEmhla njhs' zo yskaÿz mqj;am; j.lSï úrys;j lghq;= lrk njg;a fndfyda fofkla fuys§ fpdaokd k.d ;snqKs' jerÈ PdhdrEmh bj;a fldg ksjerÈ PdhdrEmhla fhdok f,i fndfyda fofkla fhdackd lr ;snqKs'

óg ál fõ,djlg fmr tu PdhdrrEmh bj;a lsÍug zo yskaÿz mqj;a fjí wvú ixialdrljreka lghq;= lr we;'

zo yskaÿz mj;am; jerÈ f,i kï lrk ,o PdhdrEmh ish fjí wvúfha m,lr ;snQ whqre'

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