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ks,a Ñ;%mg
ì, fukakæ

uyskao rdcmlaI md,k iufha úfoaY lghq;= wud;HdxYfha wëlaIK uka;%Sjrfhl=j isá oekg rlaIs; nkaOkd.dr.;j isák iðka jdia .=Kj¾Ok jeäysáhka i|yd muKla iqÿiq Ñ;%mg keröu i|yd Èk kjhla ;=< fvd,¾ 175lg wêl uqo,la úhoï lr we;ehs jd¾;d fõ'

iðka jdia .=Kj¾Ok" ckm;sjreka rdcH kdhlhka jeks iqúfYaI m%N+jre muKla kjd;eka .kakd f,dalfha ñ, wêlu wdydr jÜfgdarejla we;s ksõfhdala ys fjdaÜ frda.a weiafgdaßhd fydag,fha 2014 iema;eïn¾ 20 isg 28 olajd kjd;eka f.k we;'

fï nj ikd; lrñka ˜‍.re iðkao jdia .=Kj¾Ok˜‍ hkqfjka Tyqf.a ku tys wuq;a;kaf.a fmdf;a ,shd we;' uyskao rdcmlaI ysgmq ckm;s tlai;a cd;Skaf.a uy iuq¿j weu;=fõ ta Èkj,h'

Tyqf.a kñka ksl=;a l< ßisÜ m; wkqj Tyq úfkdaoh fjkqfjka fydag,fhka ,nd.;a ùäfhda .Kk 5ls' ta fjkqfjka Tyq Y%S ,xldfõ nÿ f.jkakkaf.a uqo,ska f.jQ uqo, remsh,a 17"531'59ls' remsh,a 4684'46 la jákd Ñ;%mghlao Tyq ,ndf.k we;' weußld fvd,¾ 35lg jeä jákdlulska hq;a tu Ñ;%mg jeäysáhka i|yd muKla jk tajd nj tu fydag,h lshhs'

weiafgdaßhd mSfldla wjkayf,ka Tyq wekjqï l< tla lEu fõ,l ñ, remsh,a 12"125ls' ;j;a lEu fõ,l ñ, remsh,a 39"119ls' ;u ldurhg lEu /f.k tau fjkqfjka tu uqo,g w;sf¾l fiajd .dia;=jlao wh flf¾' fydag,fha ñks nd¾ kñka ye¢kafjk ldurfha úfYaI l=áfhka .kakd u;amekaj,go fjku f.úh hq;=h'

úfoaY wud;HxYfha ysgmq wëlaIK uka;%Sjrhd kjd.eka.;a frda.a weiafgdaßhd fydag,fha we;af;a fldkahela" n%ekaä jeks u;ameka j¾." bia;rïu wdydrhla fia ie,flk leúh¾ kñka ye¢kafjk ¨‍Kq oeuQ w¨‍;au ud¿ ì;a;r" weußld fvd,¾ 200la jákd jhska jeks oEh'

Wmqgd.ekSu ,xld§m fjí wvúh

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