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ckjdß 8 úma,jh wdmiq yrjkak 
bv fokafka kE ffu;%S ud;r§ 
rdcmlaI hq.hg foys lmhhs

tcksi iNdm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;df.a w;aikska f;drj uyskao rdcmlaIg kdu fhdackd §ug tlÛ jQjd hehs tcksi f,alï iqis,a fm%ï chka;f.a w;aikska muKla Bfha ksl=;a lrk ,o ksfõokfhka miq ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d th ks, jYfhka m%;slafIam fkdl<o ;uka rdcmlaI,dg kdufhdackd ,nd fkdfok nj ;yjqre flfrk m%ldYhla wo flf<ah'

ta olaIsK wêfõ.S ud¾.fha ud;r yïnkaf;dg fldgig uq,a ., ;eîfï W;aijfha §h'

rdcmlaI hq.hg neg foñka ffu;%Smd, isßfiak ckdêm;sjrhd lshd isáfha hq.fha ixj¾Okh hhs lshd ye¥ ud¾. j, wo ó yrla ,.sk nj;a tajd flf<a ixj¾Okh i|yd fkdj fldñia .eiSug njhs' 94 § ux., iurùr úiska ;enQ uq,a ., .,jd úislr rdcmlaI,d úiska ;ukaf.a ku .id .;a isÿùula u;la lrñka ckdêm;sjrhd lshd isáfha hq.fha§ isÿflf<au tjeks foa njhs' pkao%sld ckdêm;sjßh úiska bÈlsÍï wdrïN l< fld<U fk¿ï fmdl=K rÛy,g o miqj fjk;a wh kï .id .;a nj mejiQ ckdêm;sjrhd ckjdß 8 fjksod ck;dj isÿl< ksyඬ úma,jh ;uka wdmiq yerùug bv fkdfok nj mejiSh'

“uu foaYmd,khg yÈisfha lvd md;a jQ flfkla fkdfõ' ug jir 49 l foaYdm,k w;aoelSï ;sfhkjd'  mlaIfha ;Skaÿ ;SrKj,§ ckjdß 8 jeks od jQ mßj¾;khg lsisÿ ydkshla ùug bv ;nkafka kE' th ud wdrlaId lrkjd' fï rfÜ ishÆ fokdg hqla;sh iy idOdrKh bgqlrñka ¥IKfhka ;lalälñka yd mjq,a md,kfhka f;dr hymd,khla we;slrkjd'“ hs mejiSh'

rks,a úl%uisxy w.ue;sjrhd iy leìkÜ uKav,h ¥Ikfhka f;dr neúka rgg úYd, jYhfka úfoaY wdOdr ,efnk nj;a ta iu. ixj¾Okh bÈßhg f.k hk njo ckdêm;sjrhd mejiSh'

fuu W;aijhg úfoaY weue;s ux., iurùr iy uqo,a wud;H rú lreKdkdhl uy;ajreo iyNd.S jQy'

tcksi iNdm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;df.a w;aikska f;drj uyskao rdcmlaIg kdu fhdackd §ug tlÛ jQjd hehs tcksi f,alï iqis,a fm%ï chka;f.a w;aikska muKla Bfha ksl=;a lrk ,o ksfõokfhka miq ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d th ks, jYfhka m%;slafIam fkdl<o ;uka rdcmlaI,dg kdufhdackd ,nd fkdfok nj ;yjqre flfrk m%ldYhla wo flf<ah'

ta olaIsK wêfõ.S ud¾.fha ud;r yïnkaf;dg fldgig uq,a ., ;eîfï W;aijfha §h'

rdcmlaI hq.hg neg foñka ffu;%Smd, isßfiak ckdêm;sjrhd lshd isáfha hq.fha ixj¾Okh hhs lshd ye¥ ud¾. j, wo ó yrla ,.sk nj;a tajd flf<a ixj¾Okh i|yd fkdj fldñia .eiSug njhs' 94 § ux., iurùr úiska ;enQ uq,a ., .,jd úislr rdcmlaI,d úiska ;ukaf.a ku .id .;a isÿùula u;la lrñka ckdêm;sjrhd lshd isáfha hq.fha§ isÿflf<au tjeks foa njhs' pkao%sld ckdêm;sjßh úiska bÈlsÍï wdrïN l< fld<U fk¿ï fmdl=K rÛy,g o miqj fjk;a wh kï .id .;a nj mejiQ ckdêm;sjrhd ckjdß 8 fjksod ck;dj isÿl< ksyඬ úma,jh ;uka wdmiq yerùug bv fkdfok nj mejiSh'

“uu foaYmd,khg yÈisfha lvd md;a jQ flfkla fkdfõ' ug jir 49 l foaYdm,k w;aoelSï ;sfhkjd'  mlaIfha ;Skaÿ ;SrKj,§ ckjdß 8 jeks od jQ mßj¾;khg lsisÿ ydkshla ùug bv ;nkafka kE' th ud wdrlaId lrkjd' fï rfÜ ishÆ fokdg hqla;sh iy idOdrKh bgqlrñka ¥IKfhka ;lalälñka yd mjq,a md,kfhka f;dr hymd,khla we;slrkjd'“ hs mejiSh'

rks,a úl%uisxy w.ue;sjrhd iy leìkÜ uKav,h ¥Ikfhka f;dr neúka rgg úYd, jYhfka úfoaY wdOdr ,efnk nj;a ta iu. ixj¾Okh bÈßhg f.k hk njo ckdêm;sjrhd mejiSh'

fuu W;aijhg úfoaY weue;s ux., iurùr iy uqo,a wud;H rú lreKdkdhl uy;ajreo iyNd.S jQy'

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