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äõ .=Kfialr lghq;= lr, ;sfhkafka 
foaYmd,k jdis fjkqfjka
uy nexl= neÿïlr iïnkaO
fldama w;=re lñgqfõ jd¾;dj 
ms<s.; fkdyelshs
w.ue;s rks,af.a úfYaI m%ldYh
(Video) wdKavqj iufha uynexl=fõ tod isÿjQ foaj,a .ek fidhkafka ke;sj äõ .=Kfialr tod isáfha kskafoa nj w.ue;sjrhd mjihs'uy nexl= neÿïlr iïnkaO fldama w;=re lñgqfõ jd¾;dj ms<s.; fkdyels nj wo^07& isßfld; mla‍I uQ,ia:dkfha § úfYaI m‍%ldYhla isÿ lrñka w.%dud;H rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d mejiqfjah'

fldama lñgqfõ iNdm;sjrhd f,i ysgmq md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S äõ .=Kfialr uy;d lghq;= l< wdldrh ms<s.; fkdyels nj;a" Tyq lghq;= lr we;af;a md¾,sfïka;= jrm%ido mkf;a 22 jeks j.ka;sh W,a,x>Kh lrñka nj;a" w.ue;s rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d fpdaokd lrhs'

fldama lñgqfõ iNdm;sjrhd f,i Tyq fuu isoaêfha§ lghq;= lr we;af;a foaYmd,k jdis fjkqfjka hehs w.ue;sjrhd tys§ fpdaokd lf<ah'uy‍ck ksfhdað;hska f,i md¾,sfïka;=fõ iïm%odh wdrlaId l< hq;= nj;a" foaYmd,k jdis fjkqfjka fmkS fkdisáh hq;= nj;a mejiqfjah'

ck;djf.a uqo,a wdrlaId l< hq;= nj yd tfia l< fkdyels kï tjeks ;ekaj, fkdisáh hq;= nj w.ue;sjrhd wjOdrKh lf<ah'

md¾,sfïka;=j úiqrejd ;sìh§ äõ .=Kfialr uy;d md¾,s‍fïka;=fõ jd¾;djla ;ukaf.a ,shú,a,la f,i bÈßm;a lrñka isÿlr we;af;a f,dl= jxpdjla nj;a
fldama lñgqfõ iNdm;s äõ .=Kfialr uy;d ta iïnkaOfhka iqðj fiakisxy uy;d iu. remjdysks újdohlg tk f,i w.%du;Hjrhd wNsfhda. lr isá'

uy nexl= neÿïlr iïnkaO jd¾;dj md¾,sfïka;=jg bÈm;a l< yels jd¾;djla f,i ilia lr fkd;snq nj w.%dud;Hjrhd ioyka lf<ah'

tfiau ta ms<sno lrkq ,nk mßlaIKhg w.%dud;Hjrhd jYfhka ;udf.ka lreKq igyka lr .kakd f,i lsysm jrlau b,a,Sula lr isáho tu wjia:dj ,nd fkdÿka nj w.%dud;Hjrhd fuys§ wkdjrK lf<ah' fldama lñgqj yuqfõ idlaIs ,nd§ug w.ue;sjrhdg hd yels nj;a" th fjk;a rgj, mjd isÿjk idudkH fohla nj;a" w.ue;sjrhd fmkajdÿkafkah'

fua ms<sno bÈß md¾,sfïka;=fõ § udi 03 la we;=<; f;aÍï ldrl iNdjla u.ska jeäÿr mßla‍IK isÿlrk njo w.‍%dud;Hjrhd fuys§ i|yka lf<ah'

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