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uyskaof.a b;=re o;a
ál;awf.daia;= 17 fjksod
.,jkak ta foaYmd,k
wr.,hg iqodkï jkak
- ikakia.,

 kuh oyfha mx;sj, f;darkafka fmïj;shla fkfjhs lE,a,la'

kuh oyfha mx;sj, b;du krl fld,af,da fl,af,d ;uhs fma‍%u iïnkaO;d we;s lr.kafka' we;a;gu újdy fjkak fkfjhs' kuh oyfha mx;sj, f;darkafka fmïj;shla fkfjhs lE,a,la'

le,a,la lshkafka tlla fmïj;shla lshkafka ;j tlla' fmïj;shla ´k ksid fkfjhs wks;a tldg;a fl,af,la bkak ksid hehs tcdmfha fld<U Èia;‍%sla wfmalaIl Wmq,a Ydka; ikakia., uy;d mejish'

ysgmq wud;H jðr wfíj¾Ok uy;df.a .d,a, W¿úáfla m‍%foaYfha ksjfia mej;s iriú fhdjqka fmruqfka iïfï,khla wu;ñka fyf;u fï nj i|yka lf<a h'

tysoS ikakia., uy;d fufiao lsfõh' 79È fï rg fjkia jqKd' wjqreÿ fol ;=, we;s jq ta fjkiska yqiau .;a;= ñksiaiq wms ta wdKavqj È.gu ;snqKd kï ÿ¾NslaIh yeÈ,d uefrkafka' ud fl,af,da fld,a,kag lshkafka fjkilska yqiau .kak ,eia;sfjh,a,d lsh,d' hq'tka'mS' wdKavqjlska fld,af,da fl,a,kag hï widOdrKhla jqfkd;a ud bkafka WU,df.a me;af;a u;l ;shd.kak ud WU,d;a tlal fl,ska ysg.kakjd'

u;l ;shd.kak urK jfrka;=j wf;a ;shdf.k ;uhs' W;=f¾ ñksiaiq uqia,sï wh cúfm wh yd hQtkamSldrhska tl;= ù ckjdß 08jeksod rdcmlaI mrdch lf<a' tl o;hs .e,jqfõ' rdcmlaI mrdch lrkak Pkaoh Èmq yeu ñksfyl=gu msxisÿfjkjd' tl o;hs .e,jqfha' oeka 58 ,laIhla ;sfhkjd lsh,d uyskao f.or cfk,a Wv k.skjd llal=iais Wv k.skjd' mkai,a hkjd' rdcmlaI <`. b;=rejq n;a ne,fhdaál uyskao Wiaidf.k hkjd' uyskaof.a b;=re o;a ál;a wf.daia;= ui 17 jeksod .,jkak ta foaYmd,k wr.,hg iqodkï jkak'”

fld<UÈ meje;afjk ft;sydisl iïfï,kfha È wms b;d jeo.;a ;skaÿ .kakjd' fydaäfha mx;sfha bo,d mdi,g we;=,;a jk orejl= .Ks;h bx.‍%Sis f*a,ajqkd lsh,d f.or kj;skak neye' fydaäfha mx;sfha bo,d oy;=k mx;sh olajd wksjd¾fhkau mdi,a hdhq;= njg kS;s f.k tkjd'” hehs o ikakia., uy;d mejish' 

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