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ysgmq ckm;skS pkao%sld 
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ysgmq ckdêm;sks pkao%sld nKavdrkdhl ue;sksh tlai;a cd;sl fmruqfKa hymd,k md¾Yajh iuÛ lghq;= lrk nj hymd,kh i|yd jQ tlai;a cd;sl fmruqfKa .ïmy Èia;%sla iu kdhl" jrdh iy kdúl wud;H w¾cqk rK;=x. uy;d mjihs'

;jÿrg;a rg ksjerÈ uÛg fhduq lsÍu i|yd tu ;SrKh f.k we;s nj;a i|yka lr isáhd' Tyq fï nj mejiqfõ ysgmq ckdêm;sks pkao%sld nKavdrkdhl ue;sksh uyr msysá .ïmy Èia;%sla ue;sjrK fuyhqï ld¾hd,hg meñKs wjia:dfõ§ udOH wu;ñka'

uyr msysá .ïmy Èia;%sla fufyhqï ld¾hd,h wud;H w¾cqk rK;=x. uy;df.a ue;sjrK fu‍fyhqï isÿ lrk m%Odk uOHia:dkh fjhs' tu uOHia:dkhg ysgmq ckdêm;sks pkao%sld nKavdrkdhl ue;sksh meñKsfha wo ^2& fmrjrefõhs' 

ysgmq ckdêm;sks pkao%sld nKavdrkdhl ue;sksh wud;H w¾cqk rK;=x. uy;d iu. úfYaI idlÉPdjla o l<d' udOH fj; woyia olajñka wud;H w¾cqk rK;=x. uy;d mejiqfõ bÈß uy ue;sjrKfha§ hymd,k md¾Yajfha c.%yKh i|yd l< bÈß jevms<sfj< .ek tu idlÉPdfõ§ úfYaI wjOdkhlg fhduq jQ njhs'

, wo fï ue;sjrKh fyd| iy krl ñksiqka w;r meje;afjkakla' ta lshkafka tlai;a cd;sl mlaIh iy tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ikaOdkh w;r ue;sjKhla' úfYaIfhkau pkao%sld ue;sksh iEu úglu isáfha fyd| ñksiqka tlal' fjk;a úÈhlska lshkjd kï t;=ñh hymd,k wdKavqj;a tlal yeuodu ysgmq flfkla' wo hymd,k wdKavqj ;sfhkafka t;=ñhf.a m%Odk;ajfhka' 

ffu;%Smd, isßfiak ue;s;=ud ckdêm;s moúhg f.akak uQ,slj l%shd lf<a;a t;=ñh' wo fjkfldg;a rg ksjerÈ ud¾.fha f.k hdug t;=ñh hymd,k wdKavqj;a iuÛ bkakjd' t;=ñhf.a wdYs¾jdoh wmsg ;sfhkjd' t;=ñh bÈß ld,fha wdrlaIdj .ek;a wfkl=;a wxY .ek;a úfYaIfhkau wmsj wo oekqj;a l<d'” hehso tys§ wud;H w¾cqk rK;=x. uy;d jeäÿrg;a mejiqjd'

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