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ishÆu uka;%Sjrekag
weue;slï fokak nE

cd;sl wdKavqj ieliSfï uQ<sl fhdackdj,g md¾,sfïka;=j ;=< Pkaoh ,nd ÿka Y%S,ksm ishÆ uka;%Sjrekag ue;s weue;slï ,nd§ug ;udg yelshdjla ke;ehs ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d Y%S,ksm uka;%Skag ;rfhau mjid ;sfí' tu fhdackdjg Pkaoh ÿka Y%S,ksm uka;%Sjreka iy ckdêm;sjrhd w;r yuqjla isl=rdod ^4& fmrjrefõ fld<U fldgqj ckdêm;s ukaÈrfha§ mej;s w;r ta wjia:djg meñKs ckdêm;sjrhd tu uka;%Sjrekag fï .ek meyeÈ,s lr § ;sfí' weue;slï fkd,enqKo Tjqkag bÈßfha§ md¾,sfïka;=fõ fukau Èia;%sla iïnkaëlrK lñgqj, ;k;=re ,ndfok njo ckdêm;sjrhd mjid we;' Bg wu;rj tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ikaOdkh ch.%yKh l< wdikj, m%dfoaYSh ixj¾Ok lñgq iNdm;s Oqrh

Y%S,ksm uka;%Sjrekag ,nd§ug lghq;= lrk njo ckdêm;sjrhd tu uka;%S msßi yuqfõ lshd isáfhah' cd;sl wdKavq fhdackdjg mlaIj Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIfha uka;%Sjre 38 fofkla Pkaoh Ndú; l<y' Tjqka w;ßka uka;%Sjreka 11 fokl=g leìkÜ wud;H Oqr ,eìKs'

ta wkqr m%sho¾Yk hdmd" iqis,a fma%uchka;" tia'ì' Èidkdhl" fcdaka fifkúr;ak" ksu,a isßmd, o is,ajd" uyskao wurùr" uyskao iurisxy" ÿñkao Èidkdhl" pkaÈu ùrlafldä" rxð;a ishU,dmsáh iy ohdisß chfialr hk uka;%Sjrekagh'

flfia fj;;a bÈßfha§ ;j;a uka;%Sjreka lsysm fokl=g leìkÜ weue;s Oqr" rdcH wud;H Oqr iy ksfhdacH wud;H Oqr lsysmhlao ,eìug kshñ;h'

fï w;r Èia;%sla ixj¾Ok lñgq iNdm;sjreka f,i m;a lrk md¾,sfïka;= uka;%Sjrekag leìkÜ wud;Hjrhl=g ,efnk n,;, ,nd§ug rch ;SrKh lr we;ehs jd¾;d fõ' ta wkqj bÈßfha§ Èia;%sla uÜgñka ,ndfok fuu ;k;=re i|yd leìkÜ weue;sjrekag ,efnk wdrlaIdj" ks, r:" ld¾h uKav, ,eìug kshñ;h'

Èia;%sla ch.%yKh l< mlaIfha lsisÿ wud;H Oqrhla fkd,o f;dard.;a uka;%Sjrekag fuu ;k;=r ,eìug kshñ;j we;'

ta wkqj tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ikaOdkh ch.%yKh l< mlaIfha Èia;%sla wfgys tu Oqrh i|yd ue;s weue;slï fkd,o tu mlaIfha uka;%Sjrhl=g;a tlai;a cd;sl mlaIh ch.%yKh l< Èia;%sla 11ys ;k;=re tu mlaIfha uka;%Sjrekag;a fou< cd;sl ikaOdkh ch.%yKh l< Èia;%sla 3ys iNdm;s Oqr tu mlaIfha uka;%Sjrekag;a ,nd§ug kshñ;j we;'

reÑr È,dka uOqixL

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