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;uka weu;s Oqrhla ndr .;af;a ;u  ´kEulg fkdj mla‍Ifha wNsjDoaêh i|yd nj LKsc f;,a yd fmfg%da,shï jdhq weu;s pkaÈu ùrlafldä uy;d mjihs'

ish iudc .sKqu yryd Tyq fufia i|yka lr we;'

uyskao uy;auhd mlaI iïfï,khg ckdêm;s;=ud iu. tlaj iyNd.S ùug ksjerÈu fya;=j Tn ieug wjfndaO lr.ekSug yelshdjla we;ehs ud úYajdi lrkjd' ke;fyd;a jeä ojila fkdf.dia wjfndaO fj;ehs ud is;kjd'

udyg fuu wud;HxYh ,efnkafka ud úiska udf.a mlaIh Tijd ;eîug .;a W;aidyhg yd bka wm mlaIh ,enQ ch.%yKh ksid ñi" fjk lsisjla ksid fkdjk nj ud úYajdi lrkjd''

ud wo leìkÜ tfla bkafka iuia; mrdch ;=, wm ,o ch.%yh ;jÿrg;a ch.%yKhla lsÍug ñi wdKavq mlaIfha fyda UNP tfla mqoa.,hskaf.a miqmi f.dia fyda fkdfjk nj Tn ieu wjfndaO fldg .kq we;ehs ud úYajdi lrñ'

fï wjia:dfõ ud yd udf.a mrïmrdju wdrlaId fldg .;a foaYmd,k mlaIh jk ksoyia mlaIfha ;SrKhg msáka hdu ud fkdl< hq;= hhs ud úYajdi lrkjd' Bg fya;=j f,i ud olskafka ksoyia mlaIh úkdY jqjfyd;a fyda folg levQkfyd;a tcdmhg wNsfhda.hla t,a, lsÍug ;rï kdhlfhla fyda fjk;a mlaIhla fï jkúg fkdue;s neúks'

wm ishÆ fokdf.a mrdch yuqfõ wdik 95 ,eîu olaljd jQ ch.%yKh fjkqfjka uyskao uy;df.a lemùu yd Bg ,eìhhq;= f.!rjh yd hq;=lu isÿjkafka fï wjia:dfõ§ ksoyia mlaIh wdrlaId lsÍu ;=,u muKla nj udf.a iy jeämqr fcIaGhkaf.a wjfndaoh nj ug Woõ l, ishÆ mdlaIslhska wjfndaO fldg .ksúhehs ud ;Èkau úYajdi lrkjd'

fu;eka isg udf.a ld¾hNdrh jkafka Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIh f,i leìfkÜgqj ksfhdackkh lsÍu ñi tcdmhg tlaù jev lsÍu fkdfõ'

kuq;a uyck;dj wmj mrdch lsÍu ;=, wmyg ,eî we;af;a weu;sÿr 48 lska 14la muKs''

uyck;dj wm mlaIh mrdch fldg we;' wmg uyck;dj È we;s Yla;sh ;=, isg rgg ydkshla fjk fyda ùug bv we;s wjia;djka j,§ lghq;= lsÍu leìfkÜgqj ;=,§ ud ug yels Wmßu m%udKfhka j. n,d.ekSug ud úYajdi fldg ud fjkqfjka pkaoh m%ldY l, ieufokdg fkdìhj m%ldY lrñ'

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