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kj leìkÜ weu;s  ;k;=re
ckdêm;s f,alï ld¾hd,fhaÈ ckm;s ffu;%smd, isßfiak uy;d bÈßmsg§ wo Èkfha Èjqreï fok ,o kj rcfha weu;s uKav,h fufiah

cd;sl m%;sm;a;s yd wd¾Ól lghq;= - w.ue;s rks,a úl%uisxy
ixpdrl ixj¾Ok yd l%sia;shdkq lghq;= - fcdaka wur;=x.
;sridr ixj¾Ok yd jkÔù weu;s -.dñKS chúl%u fmf¾rd
m%jdyk weu;s - ksu,a isßmd, o is,ajd
iudc iún,.ekSï yd iqnidOk weu;s - tia'î' Èidkdhl
lïlre yd jD;a;Sh iñ;s in|;d - ví'ã'fÊ fifkúr;ak

úYaj úoHd, wOHdmk yd uydud¾. weu;s - ,laIauka lsßwe,a,
wdmod l<ukdlrK - wkqr m%sho¾Yk hdmd

;dlaIK ;dlaIK wOHdmk yd /lshd - iqis,a fm%auchka;
kS;sh iduh yd nkaOkd.dr m%;sixialrK - ;s,la udrmk
fi!LH fmdaIK yd foaYSh ffjoH- rdð; fiakdr;ak
uqo,a weu;s - rù lreKdkdhl
ksmqK;d ixj¾Ok yd jD;a;Sh mqyqKq - uyskao iurisxy
iajfoaY lghq;= - jðr wfíj¾Ok
wNHka;r lghq;= jhU ixj¾Ok yd ixialD;sl lghq;= - tia'î' kdúkak
uydk.r yd niakdysr ixj¾Ok - mdG,S pïmsl rKjl
ëjr yd c,c iïm;a- uyskao wurùr
jeú,s l¾udka; - kùka Èidkdhl

úÿ,sn, yd mqk¾ckkSh n,Yla;s - rxð;a ishU,dmsáh
lDIsl¾u weu;s - ÿñkao Èidkdhl
nqoaOYdik weu;s - úfÊodi rdcmlaI
.%dóh wd¾Ól weu;s - mS' yeßika
rdcH mßmd,k yd l<ukdlrK - rxð;a uoaÿunKavdr
md¾,sfïka;= m%;sixialrK yd ckudOH - .hka; lreKd;s,l
ksjdi yd bÈlsÍï - ið;a fm%auodi
jrdh yd kdúl lghq;= -w¾cqk rK;=x.
bvï weu;s - tï'fla'ta'ã'tia' .=Kj¾Ok
l÷rg kj.ïudk há;, myiqlï yd m%cdixj¾Ok - hQ'mS'È.ïnrï
ldka;d yd <ud lghq;= - pkaødks nKavdr
úfoaY /lshd - ;,;d w;=fldar,
wOHdmk weu;s - wls, úrdÊ ldßhjiï
mqkre;a:dmk kej; mÈxÑlsÍu yd yskaÿ wd.ñl lghq;= - ã'tï iajdñkdoka
LKscf;,a yd fmfg%da,shï jdhq ms<sn| weu;s - pkaÈu ùrlafldä
l%Svd weu;s - ohdisß chfialr
olaIsK ixj¾Ok weu;s - id., r;akdhl
úÿ,s ixfoaY yd äðg,a há;, myqiqlï weu;s - yÍka m%kdkaÿ
cd;sl ixjdo ms<sn| weu;s- ufkda .fkaIka
m%d:ñl l¾udka; - ohd .uf.a
k.r ie,iqï iy c, iïmdok - rjq*a ylSï 
l¾udka; yd jdKsc lghq;= - ßIdâ nÿh§ka
rdcH jHjidh ixj¾Ok - lî¾ yISï
;eme,a" ;eme,a fiajd yd uqia,sï wd.ñl - wíÿ,a y,Sï fudfyduâ ydISï

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