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udOH u¾ok fpdaokd je/Èhs
-weud;H .hka; lreKd;s,l

;uka udOHh u¾okhg ierfik njg we;eï udOH lrk fpdaokd iïmQ¾Kfhkau wi;H nj ckudOH yd md¾,sfïka;= m%;sixialrK weue;s .hka; lreKd;s,l uy;d mjihs'

ckudOHfõ§kaf.a .egÆ ms<sn| fidhd ne,Sfï whs;sh wka ljrl=g;a jvd ckudOH weue;sjrhd jk ;ukg ysñ njo weue;sjrhd fmkajd fohs'

fï ms<snoj úuiSfuka lghq;= lrk úg" ;uka udOH u¾okh lsÍug ierfik njg we;eï udOH jerÈ m%;srEm ujk njo weue;sjrhd lshhs' udifha i;s wka; bßod mqj;am;l m<jqKd ~ckudOH ksjyk l=Kq f.dvla" hkqfjka mqj;la'

fuys wjidkfha b,a,Sula lr ;snqKd ckudOH ksjyk bÈlsÍfï isyskh ienE lr.kak ckudOH weue;sjrhd f.a iyh wmg wjYHhs hkqfjka i|yka lr,d'

fï .ek ud wjOdkh fhduq lr ckudOH wud;HxYfha f,alïjrhdg okajd isáfha Èk14la ;=< fï iïnkaOfhka jd¾;djla ud fj; bÈßm;a lrk f,ihs'

udOHfõ§ka" ckudOH weue;sjrhd jk uf.ka Tjqkaf.a jD;a;Sh lafIa;%hg wod, .egÆ ms<sn| b,a,Sula C‍< úg keiQ lka we;sj isákakg neye'

ta ksihs ud fï ms<sn| wjOdkh fhduq lf<a'

ioaNdjfhka lghq;= lrkakg .sh ug udOH u¾okh lrkakg jehï lrkjd hehs mejeiSu iodpdrd;aul keye'~ hkqfjkao weue;sjrhd wjOdrKh lrhs'

ckudOH weue;sjrhd udOH u¾okhlg ierfik njg i;s wka; mqj;am;l m<jQ m%jD;a;shla iïnkaOfhka " Bfha ^08& meje;s leìkÜ ;SrK oekqï§fï udOH yuqfõ§ udOHfõÈhl= ke.+ m%Yakhlg ms<s;=re foñka weue;sjrhd fï neõ wkdjrKh lf<ah'

nqoaêld bUq,dk - is;drd fiakdks

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