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Èhhg ìïfndaïn bj;a lsÍug 
iydh fokak wfußldj ths

Y%S ,xldfõ wdrlaIdj by< kxjk Èhhg ìïfndaïn bj;a lsÍfï jevigyk fjkqfjka iydh ,nd§ug wefußld tlai;a ckmoh ;SrKh lrhs'

ta fjkqfjka Èhhg ìïfndaïn bj;a lsÍfï jevigyk i|yd WmlrK we;=¿ wfkl=;a iydhka ,nd§ug wefußldkq kdúl yuqodj úiska i;s foll mqyqKqjla ;%Sl=Kdu,fha § meje;ajQ nj Y%S ,xldfõ wefußldkq ;dkdm;s ld¾hd,h mjihs'

wefußldkq kdúl yuqodj úiska msßkuk ,o èjks mßf,dalk hka;% iy frdfndajreka fhdod .ksñka .egqï fya;=fjka ;%Sl=Kdu,fha fkdmqmqrK ,o wdhqo we;=¿j Èhhg we;s kdÿkk NdKav fiùu iy ta iïnkO úia;r ,nd.ekSfï yelshdj jeälr .ekSug fï jevigyk yryd Y%S ,xldj kdú; yuqodjg yelsjQ nj o tu ;dkdm;s ld¾hd,h fmkajd fohs'

fï iïnkaOfhka woyia olajñka Y%S ,xldfõ wefußldkq ;dkdm;s w;=,a flaYdma uy;d m%ldY lf<a Y%S ,xldj mqrd f.dvìfï iy uqyqfoa ìïfndaïn bj;alsÍfï ld¾hhkag iydh ,nd§u i|yd wefußld tlai;a ckmoh lemù isák nj;a Y%S ,xldfõ ìïfndaïn bj;a lsÍfï lghq;= fjkqfjka 2003 jif¾ isg fï olajd ld,h ;=< fvd,¾ ñ,shk 4'3l uqo,la msßkud we;s nj;ah'

fï ld¾hh yryd ;%Sl=Kdu, jrdhg jdKscuh lghq;= jeälr .ekSug yelsjk nj i|yka lrk ;dkdm;sjrhd tlai;a ckmoh úiska Y%S ,xldfõ ìïfndaïn bj;a lsÍfï ie<eiaug wdrlaIl yd ìï WmlrK mß;Hd. lsÍu we;=¿j bvï ksoyia lsÍï i|yd ìïfndaïn we;s m%foaY yÿkd .ekSfï iólaIK meje;aùug o tu ìïfndaïn bj;alsÍug o wdOdr ,nd § ;sfnk nj o i|yka lrhs'

ìï fndaïn bj;alsÍfï iqkL jevigyk we;=¿j Y%S ,xld yuqodfõ ìïfndaïn wmyrK tallhg mqyqKqùï ,nd§u ;=<ska Y%S ,xldfõ ìïfndaïn bj;a lsÍfï wNHka;r yelshdj ÈhqKq lsÍfï ld¾hhka fjkqfjka wefußldj kdhl;ajh ,ndfok nj o w;=,a flaYdma uy;d m%ldY lf<ah'


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