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.vd*s lrg w; fkdoeïudkï
hqoaOh bjr lrkak nE''

we'fvd,¾ ñ,shk 500 l Khla
,xldjg ,nd §ug .vd*s uy;d tl. Wkd

uyskao úfYaI ksfõokhlska lshhs''

tlai;a cd;Skaf.a udkj ysñlï ljqkais,h ;=< ,xldjg tfrys weußld fhdackdj Pkao úuiSulska f;drj iïu; lr .ekSu ,xldj ,enQ rdcH ;dka;%sl ch.%yKhla yeáhg we;eï wh yqjd oelajqjo tu u;hg tl`. úh fkdyels nj ysgmq ckm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d udOH ksfõokhla ksl=;a lrñka mjihs' 

fuu udkj ysñlï úu¾Ykh lsÍug msysgqjk hdka;%Kh ;=< wdrlaIl yuqodfõ udkj ysñlï W,a,x>kh l< njg iel lrk idudðlhka Widúhlg bÈßm;a lsÍug ;rï idlals ke;;a mßmd,kuh l%shdoduhlska fiajfhka bj;a flfrk nj;a úfoia úksiqrejreka" úu¾Yk ks,OdÍka yd kS;s{hka iyNd.Sjk nj;a ,xldfõ hqo iuh w,,d ìys lrk fï hdka;%Khka j,g úfoaYSh rgj,aj,ska uQ,H myiqlï ,nd .ekSug bv ie,fik nj;a thska isÿjkafka Y%S ,dxlsl hdka;%Kh úfoia n,j;=kaf.a uqo,aj,ska mj;ajdf.k hk wdh;k njg m;aùu nj;a ysgmq ckm;s ;u ksfõokfhka fmkajd fohs'

,xldfõ hqoaOh keje;aùug úfoaYSh m%‍NQjreka meñKs wjia:dfõ § Tjqkaj weô,smsáhg f.kajd u[af[dlald lEug § Tjqkag is;d u;d wmydi l< ksid ngysr rgj,a wmg tfrysj fhdackd iïu; lrk njgo woyila m<jQ nj;a tfia meñKs n%s;dkH yd m%xY úfoaY weue;sjrekag ,ndÿka wdydr fudkjdoehs ;u u;lfha ke;s nj;a rdcmlaI uy;d ish ksfõokfhka lshhs'
hqo fufyhqï k;r lsÍu ;ud tlfy,du m%‍;sla‍fIam l< njo wo ;%‍ia;jdofhka f;dr rgl Ôj;a jkafka úfoaYSh mSvkhg ;ud hg;a fkdjqKq ksid njo tu ksfõokfha oelafõ'

zud ,sìhdfõ kdhl uqjïu¾ .vd*s uy;df.a lr jgd w; oud .ekSu ksid;a ngysr rgj,a ,xldj iu. WrK jQ njo we;eï wh lshhs' fï lshk Pdhd rEmfha udf.a lr jgd w; oud isákafka .vd*s uy;dh' 2009 § hqoaOfha wjika udi lSmhg wj;S¾K j;au tjl f,dalfha we;s ù ;snQ oreKq wd¾:sl wjmd;h fya;=fjka ,xldfõ úfoaY ixÑ; iS.%fhka my; jefgñka mej;=Ks' fï wjia:dfõ § ngysr rgj,ska t,a, lrkq ,enQ mSvkh ksid cd;Hka;r uq,H wruqo,ska wmg ,eìh hq;=j ;snQ Kh myiqlï o m%udo úh' ta wjia:dfõ § ud ÿka tl ÿrl:k weu;=ulska we'fvd,¾ ñ,shk 500 l Khla ,xldjg ,nd §ug .vd*s uy;d tl. úh' ta fmdfrdkaÿj fkdjkakg hqoaOh ch .ekSug fmr wd¾:slh weK ysàug bv ;snqKsz hehso rdcmlaI uy;d mjihs'

tu iïmQ¾K ksfõokh fufiah'

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