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l¿;r fldñksflaIka tlla
lrf.k ysáh ùrjxY wo
fydalkaor iqmsß iqfLdamfNda.s
ukaÈrhla bÈlrf.k

ksfhdacH weue;s rxcka rdukdhl mjihs ú.uk mk; W,a,x>kh lrñka .=jka n,m;a <Û ;ndf.k isá úu,a ùrjxY uy;d ksje/È mqoa.,hl= f,i ùr;ajfhka l;d lsÍu lk.dgqodhl lreKla nj f,i iudc iún, .ekaùï yd iqnidOk ksfhdacH weue;s rxcka rdukdhl uy;d ÈkñKg Bfha ^29& m%ldY lf<ah'

je/È lrñka ;uka ksfodia hehs lshd .kakd .uka iudchg je/È wdo¾Y imhñka fndre ùr;ajhla wdfrdamKh lr .ekSu .ek ck;dj l,lsÍ isák njo rdukdhl uy;d wkdjrKh lf<ah' fujeks jerÈlrk mqoa.,hka fírd .ekSug bÈßm;a jk yd ÿrl;:fhka l;d lr fyda Wmldr ,ndfok ishÆfokdg ;udf.a úfrdaOh m< lrk nj;a olaI kS;S{hka isák ;=re je/È lrk mqoa.,hka isr.; lsÍug yelshjla fkdue;s njo ksfhdacH weue;sjrhd lSfõh'

tys§ jeäÿrg;a woyia oelajQ ksfhdacH weue;sjrhd fufiao lSh' úu,a ùrjxY uy;d fujeks fonä jevms<sfj<la l< m<uq wjia:dj fuh fkfjhs' t;=udf.a ìßhf.a .uka n,m;%hg;a ishÆ ,shlshú,s ilia l< tajdhs'

ta ksihs fujeks .=jka .uka n,m;% ;sfnkafka' tu jHdc ,smsf,aLkj,g wod< nexl= .sKqï ;sîu b;d nrm;< ;;a;ajhla' thska uqo,a wjNdú;d ù ;sfnkjd' uqo,a wjNdú;djla .ek oekgu;a i,ld ysñlre úiska kvqjla YIS ùrjxYhg tfrysj oud ;sfnkjd'

l¿;r fldñksflaIka tlla lrf.k ysáh ùrjxY wo fydalkaor iqmsß iqfLdamfNda.s ukaÈrhla bÈlrf.k ;sfnkjd' wysxilhkag ,nd§ug ;snQ ksjdi ;ukaf.a {d;Skag ksjdi ,nd§ ;sfnkjd' fï jeks jerÈ lr,d olaI ks;s{fhla w,a,f.k ksje/Èlrefjla jf.a fíß,d bkak Tyq W;aidy orkjd' fïjf.a je/È l< whg lsisu kS;s{fhla fmkS fkdisáh hq;=hs' fïjf.a wh fírd .ekSug bÈßm;ajk wh .ek;a ck;dj l,lsÍ,d bkafka' wdKavqj ldf,a jHdc .=jka .uka n,m;% ilia lr lreKd wïudka" l=vq ,d,a jeks mqoa.,hka rg heõjd' Oïñl wurisxy,d msgrg .shd' ta jf.a È.gu ùrjxY;a lrf.k hkjd' Bg úreoaOj kS;sh l%shd;aul l< úg olaI kS;s{hka bkaklï fï jf.a wh isr.; lrkak neye' fujeks wh uqod.ekSug bÈßm;a jk whg;a uf.a úfrdaOh m< lrkjd' oeka je/Èlrejka ys;df.k bkafka nvq;a yduqÿrjkaf.a kvq;a yduqÿrejkaf.a lsh,d' talhs fujeks jerÈ lrkafka'

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