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.ïukams,f.a cd;sl we÷ug
fmd,sisfhka ndod''

Bfha Èkfha md¾,sfïka;= uka;‍%S Woh .ïukams, nrm;, ¥IK úu¾Yk fldñiug .sfha ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI ue;s;=ud fldñiug le|jd ;snQ fyhsks' Tyq fldñIka iNd f.dvke.s,a,g we;=¿ fj;au fmd,sia mÍlaIljrfhl= meñK Tyqj keje;aùh'

.dïNSr yçka fmd,sia ks<Odßhd weyqõfõ zfldfyao hkafka@z lshdh' zuu fldñiug hkjdz hehs .ïukams, Bg ms,s;=re ÿkafkah' zflda le|ùfï ,smsh@z fmd,sia ks<Odßhdf.ka ;j;a m%Yakhls' Bg .ïukams,f.a m%;spdrh jQfha ;uka kS;s{fhla njhs'

uo fj,djla wj{dfjka .ïukams, foi n,d isá fmd,sia ks<Odßhd úuiqfõ zkS;s{hska frÈ nekshï we|,d Widúh hk isß;la kEfk' flda l¿ fldaÜ tl@z

zuu yeuodu Widú hkafka fï we÷fuka' fïl fï rfÜ cd;sl we÷u' fïl ;ykï lrkak Thd ljqo@ mr.e;s udkisl;ajhl ysáhdg lula kE' fmd,sia rdcldßh lrkak l,ska rfÜ kS;sh bf.k .kak' ta rfÜ foaj,a j,g .re lrkak bf.k .kak'z

fï foni weiS Wiia fmd,sia ks<Odßfhla t;ekg meñK .ïukams,g fldñIka iNd f.dvke.s,a,g we;=¿ ùug wjir ÿkafkah'

thska iEySulg m;a fkdjqKq .ïukams, zug Wvg hkak mq¿jka' yenehs uu fï mdvu lsh,d §,d .sfha ke;akï froao nekshu w¢k wirKhkag fï wh ysxid lrkjd' uu fldñIka iNd fkdfjhs fYa%IaGdêlrKhg hkafk;a cd;sl we÷fuka' w.úksiqrejre y;r fofkla bÈßfha kvq l;d lr,d ;sfnkjd' fomdrla fï we÷fuka tlai;a cd;skaf.a iuq¿ wu;,d ;sfnkjd' yenehs m%Yakhla fj,d kE' fï mqxÑ fldñiu ta Tlafldgu jvd f,dl=hs lsh,d ys;kjd kï Thf.d,a,kag jerÈ,d' uu ú;rla fkdfõ fla tï mS rdcr;ak yßYapkao% úfca;=x. Widú wdfõ cd;sl we÷fuka' pkao%odi kdkdhlaldr uy;a;hd wNshdpdkdêlrKfha kvq weyqõfõ cd;sl we÷fuka'z

fldñIka iNd .¾Nh ;=, § .ïukams, ;uka uqyqK mE isÿùu ckdêm;s kS;s{jreka jk .dñK udrmk iy chka; ùrisxy we;=¿ fiiq kS;s{jrekag úia;r lf,ah' Tjqkaf.a woyi jQfha Wmd,s ‍fldäldr w;awvx.=jg .ekSfuka miq fmd,Sisfha yeisÍu fjkia ù we;s njhs'

-wrúkao w;=fldard,-

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