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,xld fydiamsÜ,a wdh;kfha 
isÿjQjd hehs lshk
uQ,H jxpd úu¾Yk wjika

,xld fydiamsÜ,a wdh;kfha isÿjQjd hehs lshk nrm;< uQ,H jxpdjla ms<sn| uQ,H wmrdO úu¾Yk fldÜGdYh uQ,sl úu¾Yk wjika lr we;s w;r by< fmf<a jHdmdßlhka fofokl= yd fcHIaG rcfha ks,Odßfhla fuhg iïnkaO hehs jd¾;d fõ'

by< fmd,sia wdrxÑ ud¾. mjikafka fï úu¾Ykfha jd¾;djla kS;sm;sjrhdg bÈßm;a lr we;s njhs' ta wkqj fï .ek bÈß úu¾Yk lghq;= isÿlr kS;sm;sjrhdf.a Wmfoia u; iellrejka w;awvx.=jg .ekSug lghq;= lrkq we;'

,xld fydiamsÜ,a wdh;kfha fldgia bkaÈhdkq iud.ulg úls”fï§ isÿjQ jxpdjla ms<sn| uQ,H wmrdO úu¾Yk fldÜGdYh meñKs,s ,eî ;sfí' fuys§ fldgia fjf<| fmdf<a fuhg wod<j wl%ñl;d isÿj we;s nj;a" m%Odk fmf<a jHdmdßlhka fofokl= iïnkaO njg f;dr;=re fy<sj ;sfí'

fï úu¾Ykh wdrïN jQfha ms<sld frda. ms<sn| úfYaI{ ffjoHjrhl= jk ksfhdaud,a wef,laiekav¾ fmf¾rd uy;d bÈßm;a l< meñKs,a,lska miqjh'

uQ,H wmrdO úu¾Yk fldÜGdYh fldgia fjf<| fmdf<a 2009 - 2014 ld,h ;=< isÿjQ wl%ñl;d ms<sn| úu¾Yk /ilau isÿlrñka isáfhah' fmd,sish fï ms<sn| jHdmdßlhka lsysmfofkl= yd fcHIaG rcfha ks,Odßka lsysmfofkl=f.ka lgW;a;r igyka lrf.k ;snqKs'

óg wu;rj fjk;a isÿùulg wod<j uQ,H wmrdO úu¾Yk fldÜÀih iq/l=ïm;a yd úksuh fldñika iNdfõ ysgmq iNdm;s kd,l f.dvfyajd uy;d w;awvx.=jg .ekSug hk njo fmd,sia wdrxÑud¾. mjihs'

by; i|yka ld, mßÉfþofha§ iq/l=ïm;a yd úksuh fldñika iNdfõ iNdm;s;ajh oerefõo kd,l f.dvfyajd uy;dh' f.dvfyajd uy;d fï ms<sn| bÈß Èkj,§ lgW;a;rhla uQ,H wmrdO úu¾Yk fldÜÀih fj; ,nd§ug meñfKk njg Tyqf.a kS;s{hka yryd fmd,sishg okajd we;'

fï úu¾Ykhg wod<j Oïñl fmf¾rd yd frdkS Bn%dysï hk mqoa.,hka fofokd kS;sm;s Wmfoia u; w;awvx.=jg f.k we;' Oïñl fmf¾rd uy;d 2012 jif¾ iq/l=ïm;a yd úksuh fldñIka iNdfõ wOHlaIjrhl= jYfhka lghq;= lr we;' jHdmdßlhl= jk Bn%dysï uy;d ysgmq ckdêm;s md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S uyskao rdcmlaI uy;df.a mq;=ka wdrïN l< ld,agka l%Svd iudchg iïnkaOlï we;s mqoa.,fhls'

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