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Y%S ,xldj;a wjodkfï
zziSldZZ uÿre ffjrih
rgj,a 21l me;sß,d

f,dj mqrd me;sr hk iSld ,xldjgo meñfKk wjodkula u;=j we;' uÿrejl=f.ka fndajk jhsria WK frda.h .ek oeä wjOdkh fhduq l< hq;af;a furg uÿre mdrd§ihla jk ksidh' zfvx.=z j<lajd .ekSug fkdyelsj <;fjoa§ furgg ziSldz wdfjd;a isÿjkafka w,s crurhls'

n%iS,fhka wdrïN jQ ziSldz uÿre ffjrih weußldj" Ñ,S" lekvdj we;=¿ rgj,a 21 l me;sr hñka ;sfnk njg f,dal fi!LH ixúOdkh wk;=re wÕjhs'

2015 jif¾ uehs udifha isg me;sr hk fuu ffjrifhka jeäu n,mEula‌ t,a, ù we;af;a n%iS,hghs' bka Tla‌f;dan¾ udifha isg n%iS,fha ysia‌ ln, l=vd orejka 3500 la‌ Wm; ,nd ;sfí'

fuu wjodkï ;;a;ajh fya;=fjka uÿre Wjÿr nyq, f,i me;sr f.dia‌ ;sfnk t,a ie,ajfoda¾" fldf<dïìhd iy bla‌jfoda¾ hk rgj, ldka;djkag 2018 jir jkf;la‌ .eí .ekSfuka je<lS isák f,io iSld ffjrih me;sr f.dia‌ ;sfnk rgj, ixpdrfha fh§fuka j<lsk f,io weußldkq frda. md,k yd ksjdrK uOHia‌:dkh oekqï§ ;sfí'

fï jk f;la‌ iSld ffjrihg m%;sldrhla‌ fyda tkak;la‌ fidhd f.k fkdue;s w;r tlu úi÷u jkafka frda. ldrl uÿrejd fndaùu j<la‌jd .ekSuh'

iSld uÿre ffjrihg fya;= ldrl jk ˜‍Bäia‌ Bðmaghs˜‍ iy ˜‍Bäia‌ msáfhagia‌˜‍ hk uÿre úfYaI Y%S ,xldfõo isák neúka iSld uÿre ffjrih Y%S ,xldfõo me;sr hefï wjodkula‌ ;sfnk nj fcHIaG lSg úoHd iyldr ks,Odß kð;a iqukfialr uy;d mjihs'

jvd;a ìh ùug lreK jkafka ziSldz uÿre jdylhd isákafkao zfvx.=z jeäfhka me;sr we;s m%foaYj, ùuh' fi!LH n,OdÍka mjikafka mj;sk wjodku wjfndaO lrf.k ziSldz me;sr hEu je<elaùug wjYH mshjr f.k we;s njh' lgqkdhl .=jkaf;dgqmf<ao wdrla‍Il úê úOdk fhdod we;' mßiaiï úh hq;af;a msgrgj, úfYaIfhka ,;ska wefußld rgj, nyq,j me;sr we;s ziSldz ixpdrlhka yryd furgg meñŒfï wjodkula we;s ksidh'

ziSld˜‍ jhsrih wdidokh ùfuka jeäu wk;=rg ,lajkafka .eìks ud;djkah' ta wehf.a zorejdz wx.úl, ùu ksidh' orejkaf.a fud<h j¾Okh ùfï m%udKh wvqùu Bg fya;=jh' fvx.= je,£fï§ fuka wêl f,i WK fkd.;a;o frda.shdj zwvmKz lsÍfï§ folu tl yd iudkfõ'

uqyqo y;a .õjla ;sìh§ wuqv .eiSu;a" wYajhd mek .sh miq bia;d,h jid oeóu;a cd;sl isß;ls' bka rgg ysñ jQ foag jvd wysñ jQ foa jeäh' ziSldz rgg meñ‚ miq u¾ok Èk" i;s" udi wrUd m,la ke;' Bg jehjk uqo,a lkaordj jeäh' ,efnk m%;s,dN wvqh' ziSldzg furgg md ;eîug bv fkdÈh hq;=h' ta i|yd fmdÿ ck;dj ikakoaO l< hq;af;a fi!LH n,OdÍka m%uqL wdKavqjh'

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