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.+.,a ne¨‍kh id¾:lj f.dvneiajqj
me;sr hk lgl;d mokï úrys;hs
weu;s yßka lshhs


.ïfmd, - mqmq/iai - l¨‍.,aj;a; m%foaYhg Bfha ^17& rd;%sfha jdhq neÆkhla m;s; ;sfnkjd' th lvd jegqkq njg m%jdrhjk mqj;a mokï úrys; nj wud;H yÍka m%‍kdkaÿ uy;d udOH fj; mjid isáhd

.+.,a iud.fï kj;u jHdmD;sh jk ˜‍LOON PROJECT˜‍ ys iudrïNh iksgqyka lrkq ,enQfõ Y%S ,xldj flakaø‍ lr.ksñks' .=jka.; lrkq ,nk jdhq neÆkhl r|jk ,o ikaksfõok WmlrK u.ska iqúYd, wdjrK l,dmglg wka;¾cd, myiqlï iemhSu fuu jDmD;sfha wruqK úh'

flfia fj;;a m<uq .+.,a ne¨‍kh id¾:l jQ nj;a th wdrlaIs;j f.dvneiajQ nj;a f;dr;=re ;dlaIK iy äðg,a há;, myiqlï wud;H yÍka m%‍kdkaÿ uy;d Üúg¾ m‚jqvhla ksl=;arñka o Bfha osk mjid isáhd'

ta uy;d jeâÿrg;a mjid isÜfha w;a yodne,Sul mj;sk fuu jHdmD;sh fuu neÆkfha mj;sk yS,shï jdhqj l%ula l%ufhka wvqlsÍu u.ska fuh f.dv ìug m;s; lrk nj;a th wußldkq .=jka md<k uOHia:dkh ,dxldjg meñl isák lKavdhu iu. ilþPd fldg ck YQkH l,dmhlajk .ñfmd, m%foaYfha tu f;aj;a;g f.dvnE w;r kej; jrla fuh r;au,dk mqfoaYfhka kej;;a .=jka .;lsÍju isáj njhs'

fuu.ska 4G LTE w;al¾cd, myiqlu u.ska uqÆ rggu tljr wka;¾cd, wdjrkhla ,nd Èh yels njhs' f,dj m%;u uq¿ rggu wka;¾cd, wdjrkhla ÿka tlu rg njg ,xldj m;ajk nj;a ta uy;d jeäÿr;a m%ldYl,y'

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