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icdkd ljqre
ffjoHjßhla fjkak bf.k .kak
icdkd jks.iqßh lshk l;dj

wyiska jegqKd fg,s jD;dka;fha iqÿ nnd fukau w.aks fg,s kdgHfha uOqu;S f,i Tn y÷kd .;a weh fï Èkj, wmg ks;r wefik fgydka fmf¾rdf.a WKqyqu .S;fha wld,fha ñ<sk jQ wdor l;djl wdorjka;shhs''' tfia lshq iekska weh icdkd jks.iqßh nj fndfydafokd y÷kd .kSú'

Èkj, icdkdf.a Ôú;h f.fjkafka fldfyduo@

t.aiEï bjr jqK ksid fï ojia j, úfõlfhka iy ieye,aÆfjka bkakjd'

t.aiEï lsõfõ@

uu oekg ffjoHjßhla fjkak bf.k .kakjd' 3 jeks jif¾ úNd.h ;uhs miq.shod bjr jqfKa'

ta lshkafka wkd.;fha icdkd ffjoHjßhla@

Tõ' uu leue;s ifï frda. ms<sn| úfYaI{jßhla fjkak' leue;s ;j;a wxY ;sfhkjd' ta ldf,a fjoaÈ jvd;a iqiqiq foa f;dard .kSú'

rx.kfhka wE;a fjkako l,amkdj @

wfka keye' rx.khg úrduhla §, ;sfhkafka uf.a wOHdmk lghq;= ksid' kuq;a ;j jir follska fyd| ks¾udKhla ,enqfKd;a uu odhl fjkjd'

l,dldßkshla f,i Tnj y÷kajkjdkï leue;s fudk wxYfhkao@

k¾;kh" ksfõokh" .dhkh iy lshkafka lafIa;%‍ y;rla' ta ksid ,efnk w;aoelSï tlsfklg fjkia' b;ska ta yeu wxYhlgu uu leue;shs'

úfõlhla ,enqKu fudlo lrkafka@

wïud ;d;a;d iy whshd tlal tl;= fj,d fldfya yß weúÈkak hkjd' iskaÿ wykak;a leue;shs'

ienE Ôú;fha icdkd fldhs

ksoyfia bkak leue;s ixfõ§ flfkla'

wmsg kï wdrxÑ jqfKa Tn ixfõ§ keye lsh,hs@

ys;a ßfok wjia:d ;sfhkjd' uu fndfyda úg tjeks wjia:d u. yer,d bkak ;uhs W;aidy .kafka' biair kï Tn lsõjd jf.a ixfõÈ lu álla wvqhs' kuq;a jhiska mßK; fjoaÈ ta foaj,a bfíu isÿ fjkjd'

ñ;%‍YS,s keye lshkafka we;a;o@

ñ;%‍YS,s lu kï álla wvqhs' ñ;=re fjkak álla l,a hkjd ;uhs'

wdorfhaÈ;a tfyuo@

Tõ' in|;djhla f.dv kÛd .kak l,ska Tyqj y÷kd .kak" f;areï .kak ld,hla wjYHhs' blauka ;srK wrf.k ys;a ßojd .kakjdg jvd ld,hla wrka tlsfkld wjfndaO lr.ekSu fyd|hs lsh,hs uu kï ys;kafka'

icdkdf.a rej fnd,sjqâ ks<shlf.a rejg iudkhs hehs iuyre lshkjdÆ fkao@

Tõ' iuyr wh lsh,d ;sfhkjd' ta;a ux ys;kafka ux wfma wïud jf.a'

ta lshkafka icdkd ckm%sh pß;hla @

ug talg yß W;a;rhla fokak neye' rEmjdysksfha jqK;a ux jeämqr fmakak ke;s ksid f.dvla wh udj okafk;a ke;=j we;s' kuq;a fndfyd fofkl=f.a wdorh ,nkak ;rï uu jdikdjka;hs'

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