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.Ksld jD;a;sh i|yd
nd, jhialdr oeßhka
uqo,g wf<ú lr,d

nd, jhialdr oeßhka n,y;aldrfhka r|jdf.k Tjqka .‚ld jD;a;sh i|yd uqo,g wf<ú lsÍfï ia:dkhla uykqjr uq,ia:dk fmd,sisfha <ud yd ldka;d ld¾hdxYh uyska kS;sfha /yekg yiqlrf.k ;sfí'

wo ^11& Èk <ud yd ldka; ld¾hxYh fj; meñ‚ mqoa.,fhla ia:dkdêm;sks fmd,sia mÍlaIl wfhaId nKavdr uy;añh fj; meñ‚,s fldg we;af;a oekg udi 03 lg fmr ;u ksjiska w;=reoyka jQ 17 yeúßÈ Èh‚h uykqjr nqje,slv m%foaYfha ia:dkhl n,y;aldrfhka r|jdf.k .‚ld jD;sfha fhdojk njg ;udg f;dr;=re ,eî we;s njh'

tu wjia:dfõ§ jydu l%shd;aul jQ ia:dkêm;sh we;=¿ ks,OdÍka lKavdhu iu. tu ia:dkh fj; f.dia úu¾Yk isÿ l< wjia:dfõ tys ryis.;j iÕjd isá nd, jhialdr oeßhka fukau .‚ld jD;a;sfha fhdojd isá 30 yeúßÈ ldka;djlao fidhd .ekSug yelsù ;sfí'

tu oeßh yd ldka;djo Tjqkaf.a myi ,nd .ekSu i|yd meñK isá ;reKhka fofofkla yd tu ia:dkh mj;ajdf.k .sh mqoa.,hd njg iel lrk wfhlao w;awvx.=jg f.k we;'

w;awvx.=jg m;a oeßh fmd,sish yuqfõ i|yka lf<a uykqjr k.rfha§ y÷kd.;a ldka;djla úiska /lshdjla ,nd fok uqjdfjka ;ud fuu ia:dkhg /f.k wd nj;a tys isá uerjr msßila úiska ;udg ;¾ckh fldg n,y;aldrfhka .‚ld jD;a;sfhys fhdojd úYd, jYfhka uqo,a ,nd .; nj;ah'

miq .sh Èkhl ;udf.a myi m;d wd mqoa.,fhl= yg ;udg w;aj we;s wjdikdjka; brKu ms<sn|j fy<s lsÍfuka miq Tyq ;u mshd fidhd f.dia ta ms<sn|j oekqj;a lsÍfuka wk;=rej mshd fmd,sish iuÕ meñK ;ud fírd.;a njh'

fuu ia:dkfha r|jd isg .‚ld jD;a;sfha fhdojd isá 30 yeúßÈ ldka;djo i|yka lf<a fuu ia:dkhg Èkm;d fiajd odhlhka úYd, msßila meñfKk nj;a remsh,a 5000 isg 10000 olajd jQ úYd, uqo,a wh lrñka ;ud fukau oeßho .‚ld jD;a;sfha fhojqjqjo ;udg ,nd ÿkafka ffokslj b;d wvq uqo,la hkqfjks'

nd, jhialdr oeßh lSm jrlau fuu ia:dkfhka m,d hdug W;aiy ord we;;a tu ia:dkfha we;s oeä /lj,a yuqfõ tu ish¿ W;aidyhka wid¾:l jQ nj;a tu wjia:djkays tys isá uerjr /lj¨‍kaf.a oeä ;dvk mSvk j,g mjd ,laùug isÿjQ nj;a weh i|yka lrhs'

fuu ia:dkfha ld,hla ;siafia .‚ld jD;a;sh lrf.k f.dia we;s w;r fuhg iïnkaO jqjkag oeä kS;suh l%shdud¾. .kakd nj uykqjr fmd,sisfha <ud yd ldka;d ld¾hdxYh i|yka lrd'

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