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fmardfo‚fh fodia;rg 
ju ol=K udrefj,d
ol=Kq ll=f,a f,fâg jï ll=,
Tmf¾Ika lr,d

ol=Kq mdofha wdndOhla i|yd ffjoH Wmfoia u; Y,Hl¾uhla isÿ lsÍug fmardfo‚h YslaIK frday,g we;=<;a l< oy y;r yeúßÈ oeßhlf.a jï mdoh Y,Hl¾uhlg ,la lr we;s nj mjiñka wef.a mshd fmardfo‚h fmd,sishg meñ‚,a,la lr we;'

wod< frdayf,a wiaÓ yd úl,dx. frda. ms<sn| úfYaI{ ffjoHjrhd úfoaY .;j isáh § fmf¾od ^1od& fmrjre 9'00 g muK tu úfYaI{ ffjoHjrhdf.a iydhl Y,H ffjoHjrhd úiska fuu ie;alu lr ;sfí'
ms<su;,dj ã'î úfÊ;=x. udjf;a mÈxÑ ie;alug ,la jQ oeßhf.a mshd úiska Bfha ^2& oyj,a n,y;aldrfhka frdayf,ka orejd /f.k fm!oa.,sl frday,lg /f.k f.dia we;' fuu oeßhf.a ol=Kq ll=f,a oKysfia we;s jQ frda.S ;;a;ajhla iïnkaOfhka fmardfo‚h YslaIK frdayf,a úfYaI{ ffjoHjrfhl=g fm!oa.,sl frday,l § fmkajd bl=;a fmnrjdß 20 jeks Èk fmardfo‚h frdayf,a 16 jeks jdÜgqjg oeßh we;=<;a lr we;'

;u orejd fmf¾od ^1od& fmrjre 9 g muK Y,Hl¾uhg ,la lr msg;g f.fkk wjia:dfõ § jï ll=, Y,Hl¾uhg ,la lr ;snQ w;r ta wehs oehs ffjoHjrhdf.ka úuiQ úg jï mdofha wdndOhla ;snQ ksid th Y,Hl¾uhlg ,la l< nj;a" ;j;a Èk ;=klska ol=Kq mdofha Y,Hl¾uhla isÿlrk nj;a ffjoHjrhd ;ukag mejiQ nj orejdf.a mshd mjihs'

fuu isoaêh iïnkaOfhka fmardfo‚h frday,a wOHlaI chnkaÿ fyar;a uy;d m%ldY lf,a fm!oa.,sl frday,l § fuu frda.S oeßh wod< ffjoHjrhdg fmkajd we;s w;r tys§ tlaia lsrK msgm;a ^tlaiaf¾& /f.k miq Èfkl fmardfo‚h frday,g we;=<;aj we;s njhs'

wod< úfYaI{ ffjoHjrhd oekg úfoaY .;j isák neúka Tyq meñ‚ ú.i mÍlaIK lghq;= isÿ fldg isÿj we;af;a l=ulao hkak ks.ukhlg t,efnk nj o frday,a wOHlaIjrhd mejeiSh' fuu oeßh Wm;skau we;s jk isref¾ wNHka;r wiaÓj, widudkH j¾Okh hk frda.S ;;a;ajfhka fmf,k w;r fuu ;;a;ajh fomdj,u we;s úh yels ;;a;ajhla úh yels nj o lSh'

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