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md¾,sfïka;= uka;‍%S kdu,a rdcmlaI uy;df.a fm!oa.,sl lghq;= fjkqfjka fhdod .;a Y‍%S ,xld .=jka fiajfha .=jka fiaúldjlg udisl jegqm f,i remsh,a ,laI 15l uqo,la Y‍%S ,xlka .=jka fiajh u.ska f.jd we;s nj nrm;< wmrdO ms<sn| ckdêm;s úu¾Yk fldñiu úiska ;yjqre lrf.k we;s nj oek .ekSug ;sfí'

fuu .=jka fiaúldj" kdu,a rdcmlaI uy;df.a kshuh mßÈ ysgmq ckdêm;s f,alï ,,s;a ùr;=x. uy;df.a ueÈy;a ùfuka ckdêm;s ld¾hd,hg wkqhqla; lsÍug tjlg Y‍%S ,xlka .=jka fiajd n,OdÍka lghq;= lr ;snQ w;r wehf.a jegqm f,i ‘mshdir §ukdj’ hkqfjka udislj ,laI 15l uqo,a f.jd we;' jir 3l ld,hla fuu §ukdj f.jd we;'

kuq;a idudkHfhka mshdir §ukdj ielfikafka .=jka fiaúldjl .=jka .; jk hdkhl fiajh lrk ld,h wkqjh' tfy;a fï ;rï úYd, uqo,la lsisÿ .=jka fiaúldjlg jirl ld,hl§j;a ysñ jkafka ke;'

fuu jxpdldÍ isÿùu iïnkaOfhka jk uQ,sl f;dr;=re Y‍%S ,xlka .=jka fiajfha wC%ñl;d úu¾Ykh l< kS;s{ f–'iS' je,swuqK uy;d úiska óg fmr fy<sorõ lr ;snQ w;r ckdêm;s mÍlaIK fldñiu úiska th fï jk úg ;yjqre lrf.k we;' tfukau fuu .=jka fiaúldj lsis Èfkl ckdêm;s ld¾hd,fha fiajh lr ke;s nj o fy<sj ;sfí'

flfia kuq;a weh fï jk úg Y‍%S ,xlka .=jka fiajdfõ .=jka fiaúld iqmjhsi¾ Oqrhla orñka rdcldßj, ksr;j isák nj o jd¾;d fõ'

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