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bkaÈhdkq bkaOk iud.‍fï
bkaOk msrjqïy,a ,nd fok uqjdfjka
fldaá .kkl jxpdjla
fukak idlaIS

bkaOk msrjqïy,a ,nd fok nj mjiñka uqo,a jxpd iy.; f,i ,nd .;a bkaÈhdkq f;,a iud.fï fldaá .kkl uq,H jxpdjla ms<snoj f;dr;=rla f.disma99 fj; jd¾:dfõ'

bkaOk msrjqï y,a ,nd fok nj mjiñka wg fofkl=f.ka muK fufia jxpd iy.; f,i bkaÈhdkq f;,a iud.u fldaá .Kkska uqo,a ,nd f.k we;s w;r" ta i|yd fhdojd we;af;a iud.u úiska u y÷kajd ÿka m%.S;a uoaÿuf.a kue;af;l=h'
kuq;a fï jg úg;a Tyq m,d f.dia we;s w;r bkaÈhdkq bkaOk iud.u mjikafka fï ;eke;a;d yd iud.u w;r lsis÷ in|;djla fkdue;s nj;a Tyq iud.ugo tu uqo,a jxpd fldg m,d f.dia we;s njhs' lreKq tfia jqjo fï jk úg;a Tjqka úiskau y÷kajd ÿka wod< mqoa.,hd ms<sn| wjYH lreKq f.dkq lrñka kS;suh mshjr .eksug wod, iud.u w,i lula olajk njo jd¾;d fõ'

m%.S;a kue;a;d fï uqo,a ish,a, ,nd f.k we;af;a whs'´' iS iud.fï m%Odk ld¾hd,h ;=<È jqj;a tu iud.u ta ms<sn| jika lrñka l+G f,aLk ieliSu hk lreKq muKla i|yka lrñka meñKs,s lsÍu l=;=y,h okjk lreKls'  
fla' tia' .=Kj¾Ok" fla' tia' ä' à' iurfialr hk whf.ka re2"500"000'00 o wd¾' à' y;uqK iy ù'ví,sõ y;uqK hk whf.ka rE 3"000"000'00 o tia' hq' chj¾Ok f.ka rE'3"000"000'00 o wd¾' á' mS' rdcmlaI f.ka rE' 2"000"000'00 o wdßhr;ak f.ka rE' 3"000"000'00 iy mqIamrdid fi,ajrdid hk whf.ka rE' 12"000"000'00 o fuf,i jxpd iy.; f,i ,nd f.k we;'

fï ms<sn| tu iud.fï Wm iNdm;sjrhd uila we;=<; uqo,a wdmiq ,nd fok njg fmdfrdkaÿ ú úreoaOj lsis÷ kS;suh mshjrla fkd.kakd f,i;a meñKs,s lrejka fj; b,a,Sula lr we;;a fï jk úg udi oyhla .;j we;;a ;ju;a iud.u úiska Bg lsisÿ l%shdud¾.hla f.k fkdue;'  meñKs,slrejka úiska fï jk úg jxpd fmd,sia úfYaI jxpd úu¾Ik ld¾hdYhgo meñKs,s lr we;s w;r oeka fuh ;ks mqoa.,hl= l< jxpdjla nj mjiñka wod, bkaÈhdkQ f;,a iud.u fuu j.lSfuka neyer ùug Wml%u fhdoñka isáhs' fï ms<sn| wod, md¾Yj úiska úIh ndr wud;Hjrhd fj;o meñKs,a,la lr we;s njo mejfihs' 

2013 uehsui m,jQ mqj;a m;a oekaùu

bkaÈhdkq bkaOk iud.‍u u.ska ksl=;a l, uqo,a ,Nd.ekSfï ßisÜm;a

úIh ndr wud;H pkaÈu ùrlafldä uy;d fj; fï ms<snoj bÈßm;al, <smsh

fmd,sia úfYaI jxpd úu¾Ik ld¾hdYhg meñKs,slsÍfus§ ysñfjk l=ú;dkaish 

m%.S;a uoaÿuf.a kue;a;d

uqo,a ,nd.;a wjia:dfjs§ wi, isá m%Odkshd

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