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fldKa‌vhd kej;;a lr<shg
t<fokglg wia‌jdNdúl jO §,d
w;awvx.=vjg .ekSug fufyhqula‌

.ïmy m%foaYfha j;a;lg we;=¿ù ksrej;ska wfYdaNk f,i yeisfrñka isá nj lshk ÿfkaIa m%shYdka; fyj;a zfldKa‌vhdz w;awvx.=jg .ekSu i|yd fmd,sish fufyhqula‌ wrUd we;'

zfldKa‌vhdz kue;s fuu iellre ñka fmr fiahd ifoõñ >d;k isoaêh iïnkaOfhka rla‌Is; nkaOkd.dr.; lr miqj uqody, mqoa.,hdh' fiahd >d;k isoaêhg jrolre ù urK o~qjug ,la‌jQfha fuu fldKa‌vhd kue;a;df.a fidfydhqrdh'

fudyq .ïmy fnïuq,a, nÿj;=f.dv m%foaYfha úY%dñl kdúl ks,Odßfhl=f.a j;a;g wkjirfhka we;=¿ù we;ehs fmd,sishg meñ‚,a,la‌ ,eî we;'

j;af;a isák t<fokl fmf¾od ^19 od& rd;%s 8'30 g muK lE .ik Yíoh ksjfia isá úY%dñl kdúl ks,Odßhdg weiS we;' Tyq f.dia‌ n,oa§ fldKa‌vhd kue;s iellret<fok wi, isg mek .sh nj meñ‚,af,a i|yka lr we;' t<fokf.a f., fmfoi isrlr ne| ;snQ njo" iellre t<fokg wia‌jdNdúl jO § we;ehs meñ‚,af,a oela‌fõ'

miqj f.j;a; mÍla‍Id lroa§ ielldr fldKa‌vhdf.a we÷ï lsysmhla‌ iy ldka;d hg we÷ïo yuqù we;'

fuu ksjfia úY%dñl kdúl ks,Odßhdf.a Èh‚hka fofokdo jdih lrk w;r óg udihlg muK fmr tu tla‌ Èh‚hlf.a ldurfha jy< u; W¿ leg lsysmhla‌o .,jd ;sî we;'fuho fldKa‌vhd úiska isÿlr we;ehs iellrk nj meñ‚,slre fmd,sishg mjid we;'

fldKa‌vhdo tu m%foaYfha mÈxÑlrejl= jk ksid;a" ld,fha§ Tyqf.a rej ks;r udOH Tia‌fia oel we;s ksid;a ;u j;af;a isáfha Tyq njg meñ‚,slre myiqfjka y÷kdf.k we;'

nia‌kdysr W;=r ksfhdacH fmd,sia‌m;s t,a' Ô' l=,r;ak" .ïmy iyldr fmd,sia‌ wêldß Y%S ,d,a fmf¾rd hk uy;ajrekaf.a wëla‍IKh hgf;a .ïmy uQ,ia‌:dk m%Odk fmd,sia‌ mÍla‍Il ld,sx. is,ajd uy;df.a fufyhùfuka iellre w;awvx.=jg .ekSug fufyhqu l%shd;aul fõ'

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