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ix§maf.a hqla;sh fjkqfjka
ñ;=rka .ïukams,f.a ld¾hd,fha
udOH yuqjl ^ùäfhda&

isx.mamQrejg fyda f.kf.dia ;u ñ;=rd iqj lr .ekSu i|yd ueÈy;a jk f,i ckdêm;s ffu;%smd, isßfiak uy;df.ka b,a,Sula lrk nj rdc.sßfha§ miq.shod ßh wk;=rlg ,lajQ ;reKhdf.a ñ;=rka msßila —ix§ma fjkqfjka hqla;sh— kñka ixúOdkhla f,i wo ^10& udOH yuqjla mj;ajñka b,a,Sula lf<ah'

rdc.sßfha§ wud;H mdG,S pïmsl rKjl uy;d .uka.;a nj lshk ðma r:hl h;=re meÈhla .eàfï isoaêfha§ ;=jd, ,nd frday,a.;j isák ;reKhdf.a ñ;=rka lsysm fofkl= úisks'

fuu udOH yuqj mj;ajkq ,enqfõ md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S Woh .ïukams, uy;dg wh;a msgfldaÜg" mdf.dv mdf¾ msysá mlaI ld¾hd,fha§h'

fuu wk;=r .ek udOH yuqfõ§ woyia oelajQ fudfyduâ i*dhs keue;s ;reKhd lshd isáfha wk;=r isÿlr m< jdykfha wud;H mdG,s pïmsl rKjl uy;d isá nj ;ud ÿgq njhs'

wud;Hjrhd ;udg fmd,Sishg hdug meñfKkakehs oekqïÿka wjia:dfõ ;uka tu wjia:dfõ fkd.sfha ñ;=rd wk;=rg ,laj isá ksid hehso fyf;u mejiSh'

flfia jqjo wk;=r .ek je,slv fmd,sishg f.dia meñ‚,s l< wjia:dfõ§ meñ‚,a, igyka lr.kq ,enqfõ l=vd fkdaÜnqla tlla jeks fmd;l njo Tyq lshd isáfhah'

fuu udOH yuqjg WfïIa rx.kd;a keue;s ñ;=frl=o tlaj isá w;r Tyq mejiqfõ wk;=rg wod< fuu isoaêh .ek úmlaIfhka Wmfoia .kakd f,ig wk;=rg ,lajQ ñ;=rd fjkqfjka fmkS isák kS;s{hd Wmfoia ,ndÿka njhs'

tfia fkdue;sj óg fmr úu,a ùrjxY" Woh .ïukams, jeks whf.a iyhla fï i|yd fkd;snQ njo Tyq mejiqfõh'

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