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uyskao <. isá we;eï yuqod fin¿ka
w;s úYd, OkialkaOhl
ysñlrejka fj,d¨‍
yuqod fin¿kag wmrdO fpdaokd

ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;df.a wdrlaIdjg fhdod isg miq.shod bj;a lrkq ,enQ hqoaO yuqod Ng msßfika jeä msßilg nrm;< wmrdO yd fjk;a jerÈ .Kkdjlg wod< fpdaokd t,a, ù we;s nj wdrlaIl wud;HdxY wdrxÑ ud¾. i|yka lrhs'

oekg ryia fmd,sish" uQ,H wmrdO fldÜGdih" w,a,ia fyda ¥IK úu¾Yk fldñiu iy hqoaO yuqodj uÕska isÿ fjñka mj;sk mÍlaIK .Kkdjlg tu hqoaO yuqod idudðlhkaf.a in|;djhka we;s nj wkdjrKh ù ;sfí'

tys§ nrm;<u .Kfha wmrdO lsysmhlgu tu yuqod idudðlhkaf.a iyNd.S;ajhla we;s nj wkdjrKh ù we;s w;r bÈßfha § Tjqka tu mÍlaIKj,g iïnkaO ler .ekSug o kshñ;j ;sfí'

;jo yuqoduh kS;s Í;s lv lrñka yuqod úkh blaujd hk f,i lghq;= l< njg fpdaokd ,nk yuqod idudðlhka .Kkdjla o fuys isá w;r Tjqka fndfyda wjia:dj, isÿ ler we;s je/Èj,g lsisÿ wjia:djl lsisÿ kS;suh mshjrla f.k fkdue;'

fufia yuqod kS;s Í;s iy úkh lv l< yuqod idudðlhka lsysm fofkl= iïnkaOfhka hqoaO yuqodj uÕska mÍlaIK o wdrïN ler ;sfí'

hqoaO yuqod fiajfha§ bmehsh fkdyels ;rï w;s úYd, OkialkaOhla Wmhd we;s yuqod idudðlhka .Kkdjlao tu wdrlaIl Ng msßi w;r fjhs'

ysgmq ckdêm;sjrhdf.a wdrlaIl Nghka f,i l%shd l< ld,h ;=< tu yuqod Nghka fu;rï úYd, Okhla bmehqfõ flfiao hkak iïnkaOj Tjqkag tfrysj w,a,ia fyda ¥IK úu¾Yk fldñiu hgf;a mÍlaIK isÿ fjhs'

;jo ckdêm;s wdrlaIl fiajdfõ fh§ isá ld,h ;=< ;j;a yuqod idudðlhka" ysgmq yuqodm;sjre" fcHIaG yuqod ks,OdÍka yd fjk;a by< ks,OdÍkaf.a wK fkd;ld l%shd lr we;s njg;a Tjqkag tfrysj lsisÿ kS;suh mshjrla .ekSug fkdyelsj Tjqka yuqod kS;shg tyd hñka lghq;= ler we;s njg;a fpdaokd ,nhs'

tjeks jerÈj,g fpdaokd ,nñka isák tu yuqod idudðlhkag bÈßfha§ tu mÍlaIKj,g uqyqK§ug isÿjkq we;ehso wdrlaIl wud;HdxY wdrxÑ ud¾. ;jÿrg;a i|yka lrhs'

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