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rkacka bka§h Ñ;%mg ksIamdokhla
iu.ska ,xldfõ jeäu uqo,la fhdod
ks¾udKh jk Ñ;%mghg
.súiqï w;aika lrhs ^PHOTOS&

ckm%sh rx.k Ys,amS" Ñ;%má wOHlaI rkacka rdukdhl uy;d miq.shod ;u kj;u Ñ;%mgfha .súiqï w;aika lsÍu i|yd bkaÈhdkq ixpdrhl ksr; úh'

fuu Ñ;%mgfha rkacka rdukdhl uy;d m%Odk pß;h i|yd rx.kfhka odhl jk w;r" Y%S ,xld - bkaÈhdkq k¿ ks<shka úYd, msßila r.mEug kshñ;j we;' rkacka rdukdhl uy;df.a fuu ixpdrh mqrd Tyqg WKqiqï ms<s.ekSula ysñj ;sfnk w;r" bkaÈhdfõ iqmsßu k¿jka fom<la jk rðks ldka;a iy lu,a yika hk m%ùK;u k¿jka fom, we;=¿ ;j;a fndfyda iqmsß k¿ ks<shka .Kkdjlau yuqù idlÉPd lsÍug wjia:dj Wodù ;snqKs' tfukau oekg ol=Kq bkaÈhdfõ ckm%shu Ñ;%mg njg m;a jQ fndahSia" wkshka" bkaÈrka" Ysjdð yd whs frdfnda jeks oejeka; Ñ;%mg wOHlaIKh l< Yxl¾ uy;do yuqù we;'

rkacka rdukdhl uy;df.a fuu kj;u Ñ;%mgh ,xldfõ jeäu uqo,la fhdod ks¾udKh jk Ñ;%mgh njg bÈßfha§ m;ajkq we;' ta i|yd ksIamdok ie,iqïlrKh oekgu;a isÿjk w;r" Bg wod< bkaÈhdkq ksIamdok l<ukdlre jk rdcq uy;d bÈß i;sfha§ Èjhskg meñ”ug kshñ;h' fuu Ñ;%mgfha rE.; lsÍï bÈß udi 4la jeks ld,iSudjla ;=<§ wdrïN lsÍug kshñ;h'

fuu Ñ;%mgfha r.mEu i|yd k¿ ks<shka f;aÍu bÈß Èkl§ bka§h ksIamdok lKavdhu ,xldjg meñKs jydu wdrïN lsÍug kshñ; w;r" tys§ .súiqï w;aika lsÍï yd ie,iqïlrK ish,a, fld<U iskuka .%Ekaâ fydag,a mßY%fha§ isÿlsÍug lghq;= i,id we;'

fuu oejeka; Ñ;%mgfha l;dj oekg wm%ldYs;j ;sfnk w;r Y%S ,xld - bkaÈhd k¿ ks<s msßila fï i|yd iyNd.S ùug kshñ;h' fuys leurdlrKh yd igka wOHlaIKh bkaÈhdkq Ys,amSka w;ska isÿjk w;r" ,dxlSh ld¾ñl Ys,amSka .Kkdjlao iyNd.S fj;s' fuh Y%S ,xld - bkaÈhd iu wOHlaIKhla f,iska ksuùug kshñ;h'

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