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uil l=,sh fldaáhlg
ì,aäula .kak
f*dkafiald ierfihs

lDIsl¾u wud;HdxYh i|yd f.dvke.s,a,la l=,shg .ekSug ÿñkao Èidkdhl wud;Hjrhd lghq;= l< wdldrhgu m%dfoaYSh ixj¾Ok wud;HxYh msysgqùug *S,aâ udI,a" ir;a f*dkafiald wud;Hjrhdo rdc.sßfhka f.dvke.s,a,la l=,shg .ekSug lghq;= lr we;ehs jd¾;d fõ'

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tfia l,anÿ l%uhg .ekSug ierfikafka isfkda - ,xld fm%dm¾àia mqoa.,sl iud.u i;= rdc.sßh Y%S chj¾Okmqr udjf;a wxl 1090 orK ia:dkfha msysá j¾. wä 49"556la jk f.dvke.s,a,ls'

fï f.dvke.s,a, jir 5l ld,hlg ,nd .ekSug nÿ l=,S .súiqulg t<öug kshñ; w;r" ta i|yd nÿ ld,h wjidkfha§ wdmiq ,nd .ekSfï moku u; udi 6l nÿ l=,S rlaIK ;ekam;=jla f,i remsh,a fldaá 4lg jeäuqo,la ^48"525"235'20 ¬ VAT&
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ÿñkaof.a f.dvke.s,a,

fï w;r miq.shod udOH jd¾;d lr ;snqfKa lDIsl¾u wud;Hjrhd ‘rdc.sßh" fldaÜfÜ" Y%S chj¾Okmqr mdr" wxl 288’ hk ia:dkfha lDIsl¾u wud;HdxYhg j¾. wä tla,la‍I ;=kaoyilska ^103"000& iukaú; f.dvke.s,a,la l=,shg .ekSug hk njhs'

ta i|yd rcfha ;lafirelref.a ;lafiarej udislj j¾. wähla i|yd remsh,a 150la jqjo" tu f.dvke.s,af,a ysñlre jk iî;d fmf¾rd uy;añhf.a iajdñ mq¾Ihd jk Wmd,s chisxy uy;d úiska l=,sh jYfhka j¾. wählg remsh,a 167'50lao" j¾. wählg fiajd .dia;=j jYfhka remsh,a 60'50lao" b,a,d we;s njhs'

Wmd,s chisxy uy;dg fï f.dvke.s,af,a j¾. wähla i|yd udislj remsh,a 228la f.ùug ÿñkao wud;Hjrhd tlÕ ù we;s njgo jd¾;d m,úh'

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