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f,dal ksoyia udOH Èkh wohs

f,dal ksoyia udOH Èkh wog fh§ ;sfnkjd'

hqfkiaflda iuq¿fõ ks¾foaYh u; 1993§ tlai;a cd;Skaf.a uyd uKav, ieisjdrfha§ f,dal ksoyia udOH Èkh m%ldYhg m;a lr ;sfnk w;r fujr f,dal ksoyia udOH Èkfha f;audj ù ;sfnkafka" f;dr;=re oek .ekSfï ksoyi Tnf.a whs;sjdislula hkakhs'

uehs 3 jk od fh§ we;s ksoyia udOH Èkh f,i ieufrkafka" wm%sldkq udOHfõ§ka ksoyia udOH l,dj m%p,s; lsÍfï wruqKska wm%sldfõ úkayqla keóìhd kqjr§ úkayqla m%ldYkh t<soelaùuhs'

iaùvkh iy *ska,ka;h hk rgj, f,dalfha m<uq jrg f;dr;=re oek .ekSfï mk; iïu; ù jir 250la .; ùu fujr fh§ we;s f,dal ksoyia udOH Èkh ieuÍfï úfYaI ixêia:dkhla fõ'

ksoyia udOH Èkh fjkqfjka mKsjqvhla ksl=;a lrk tlai;a cd;Skaf.a uy f,alï nEka lS uQka uy;d ishÆ md¾Yjhkaf.ka b,a,d isákafka" udOH ksoyi wdrlaId lsÍug mshjr .kakd f,ihs'

fï w;r f,dal ksoyia udOH Èkh fjkqfjka hqfkiaflda ixúOdkh mKsjqvhla o ksl=;a lr ;sfí'

hqfkiaflda ixúOdkfha wOHlaI ckrd,a b¾kd fndfldajd uy;añh udOHhg ksl=;a lr we;s tu mKsjqvfha oelafjkafka" f;dr;=re oek .ekSfï ksoyi m%cd;ka;%jdofha uQ,sl wä;d,u jk njhs'

rgl ;srir ixj¾Okh Wfoid hymd,kh f.k hdfï§ lsis÷ ìhlska f;drj udOH yeisrùug ksoyi ;sìh hq;= nj o weh fmkajd fohs'

flfia fj;;a Èk 5lg jrla f,dalfha fld;kl fyda udOHfõÈfhl= ;u rdcldßfha ksr;j isák úg§ ñh hk nj o weh jeäÿrg ;a i|yka lr isáhd'

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