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msßóv cdjdrï lrejkaf.aka
.e,jqk wdIsla‌ lshk l;dj

;ud meyer.;a lmamï l,a,sh Èk fol ;=kla‌u ;udg lEug ÿkafka ìia‌lÜ‌ muKla‌ hEhs remsh,a fldaá folla‌ b,a,d lmamï l,a,shla‌ úiska meyerf.k .sh jdßhfmd, fudfyduâ wdIsla‌ kue;s ;reKhd fmd,sish u.ska ksoyia‌lr .ekSfuka miq wm iu. mejeiSh'

Tyq jeäÿrg;a fufiao lshd isáfhah' tod 12 jeksod ? uu lfâ b|,d f.or hkfldg iqÿmdg ld¾ tlla‌ ud <Û keje;a;=jd' ta ld¾ tfla ysgmq wh uf.a fn,af,ka w,a,d ld¾ tfla odf.k .shd'

Tjqka uf.a w;a .eg .eiqjd' lg iy oeia‌ ne|,d f.orlg f.k;a oeïud' uu ta f.a .ek yßhg lshkak okafka keye' meh 1$2 la‌ ú;r ÿr .shdg mia‌fihs ta f.k;a oeïfï' ug ìia‌lÜ‌ lkak ÿkakd' j;=r fndkak ÿkakd' tÉprhs'

thd,d uf.ka weyqjd WU,f.a ;d;a;dg i,a,s ;sfhkjd fkao lsh,d' uu lsõjd tÉpr i,a,s keye lsh,d' thd,d tal úYajdi lf<a keye'

WU fndre lshkjd fkao lsh,d uf.a lgg myrla‌ .eyqjd' uf.a cx.u ÿrl:kh wrf.k taf.d,af,da wfma l;d flrejd' mq;d wms .dj bkafka wms mia‌fia l;d lruq lsh,d Tjqka uq,skau lsõjd' Bg mia‌fia f.oßka i,a,s b,a,,d ;¾ckh l<d'

wka;su ojfia thd,d l,n, fj,d jf.a udj ;eklg f.k,a,d od,d hkak .shd' Bg mia‌fia uu ;kshu bÈßhg wdjd' uf.a ;d;a;d t;k ysáhd' fmd,sisfha uy;ajrekag uu f.dvdla‌ ia‌;+;s lrkjd' fmd,sisfha ks,OdÍka ke;skï ug fudkjd fjhso okafka keye'

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