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fldia.u id,dj hqo yuqod l|jqf¾ miq.shod isÿjQ msmsÍfuka ydkshg m;a m%foaYh ms<silr ler ck Ôú;h h:d ;;a;ajhg m;alsÍu i|yd Y%S ,xld hqo yuqodfõ mkiaoyilg jeä Ng msßila fhdojd ;sfí'

Ng msßia Èjd ? fkdn,d meh 24 mqrdu ksjdi ;=kaiShl muK leã .sh fldgia bj;a lrñka isák w;r ;j;a msßila tu ks‍fjia w¨‍;ajeähd lsÍfï ksr;j isá;s'

ksfjia ydks ;lafiare ler iïmQ¾Kfhka levqKq ks‍jdi h<s bÈlsÍug;a fiiq tajd w¨‍;ajeähd lsÍu;a fï jk úg jy jyd isÿfjñka mj;S' hqo yuqodfõ bxðfkare n<ldfha úfYaI lKavdhula Bg fhdojd ;sfí'

fïc¾ ckrd,ajre y;rfokl= we;=¿ hqo yuqod uQ,ia:dkfha fcHIaG yuqod ks,OdÍka ish¨‍fokd tu lghq;a; wëlaIKh lr;s'

yuqod jdyk neflda hka;%" g%elag¾" f,dß we;=¿ jdyk úYd, m%udKhla o fï ms<silr lsÍfï fufyhqu i|yd fhdojd we;'

hqo yuqodm;s ¨‍;skka ckrd,a l%sIdka; o is,ajd uy;df.a m%Odk;ajfhka fuu oejeka; ld¾hh bgqlrk wdldrh ms<sn| lreKq meyeÈ,s lsÍu i|yd udOH yuqjla Bfha ^10& oyj,a id,dj hqo yuqod l|jq‍re N+ñfha§ meje;aú‚'

id,dj isÿùu ksid m%foaYfha Ôj;ajk wysxil uyck;djg úYd, foam< ydkshla isÿjQ nj;a jákd Ôú;hla wysñ jQ nj;a ta iïnkaOfhka hqo yuqodm;s f,i ;u n,j;a fYdalh m%ldY lr isák nj hqo yuqodm;s ¨‍;skka ckrd,a ta'ví,sõ'fÊ'iS o is,ajd uy;d mejiSh'

tys§ hqo yuqodm;sjrhd m%ldY flf<a fï isoaêfha§ jix lrkakg lsisu fohla hqo yuqodjg ke;s nj;a" tfia lsÍfï wjYH;djhla o ke;s nj;ah'

—yuqodm;sjrhd jk ug we;=¿ yuqodfõ ish¨‍u fcHIaG ks,OdÍka fujka yÈis wk;=re ;;a;ajhl§ oeä lemùulska hq;=j lghq;= lrkafka uyck;djg ñka isÿjQ ydksh iïmQ¾Kfhkau ke;slr Tjqka ysgmq wdldrfhkau isàug bvlv i,id §ughs' wdKavqj fï i|yd úYd, iydhla ,nd § ;sfnkjd'

yuqodfõ by< ks,OdÍka w;r fuys§ fNaohla we;s njg u;=lr olajkakg we;eï udOH .kakd W;aidyh iïmQ¾K wi;Hhla' fï isoaêfha§ ñh.sfha tla yuqod idudðlfhla muKhs' fï wk;=r isÿjQfha flfiaoehs fidhd ne,Su i|yd ryia fmd,sish iy hqo yuqodfõ úfYaI lKavdhula mÍlaIK isÿlrkq ,nkjd' tf;la wmg fuh isÿjQfha flfiao hkak lsj fkdyelshs˜ hehs yuqodm;sjrhd mejiSh'

hqo yuqodj yeuodu;a uyck;djg lrorhla isÿjQ úg bka fírd.ekSu i|yd fmkS isákjd hehs fyf;u lSh' fï w;r fï wk;=ßka ydkshg m;a m%foaY /ln,d .ekSu i|yd hqo yuqodm;sjrhd iEu ia:dkhlgu mdfya udOHfõ§ka le|jdf.k hkq ,eì‚'

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