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f;jrmafmreu Èúkid.ekSug hhs
úÿy,am;s <uqka 10 fokdu .kak tl. fjhs

Wmjdihl ksr;j isák ksfhdacH wud;H md,s; f;jrmafmreu uy;d wo oyj,a ishÈú ydkslr .ekSug W;aidy lr ;sfí' fï fya;=fjka Tyq l¿;‍r kdf.dv frday,g we;=<;a lr we;' 

ó.y;ekak m%d:ñl úoHd,h ;=< § úÿ<s mxldjl f., je,,df.k ishÈú kid .ekSug Tyq ;e;alr ;sfí'

u;=.u" ó.y;ekak m%d:ñl úoHd,fha m<uq fYa%Kshg isiqka 10 fofkl= we;=<;a lr fkd.ekSug úfrdaOh m< lrñka wud;Hjrhd Èk lsysmhl isg u;=.u l,dm ld¾hd,h bÈßmsg fuu Wmjdifha ksr; jqKd' 27 jeksod isg fï olajd Èk 4l muK ld,hla Tyq lsisÿ wdydrhla fkdue;sj l=i.skafka isg we;'

isiqka 10 fofkl= u;=.u" ó.y;ekak m%d:ñl úoHd,fha m<uq fYa%Kshg we;=<;a lr fkd.ekSug úfrdaOh m< lrñka fuu úfrdaO;djfha ksr; úh'Bg tu <uqkaf.a uõmshkao meñK isáfha orejka o iu.sks'

úfrdaO;djfha ksr; isiqkaf.a uõmshka lshd isáfha u;=.u l,dm ld¾hd,fhka fuu isiqka mdi,g we;=<;a lr.kakd f,i úÿy,am;sjrhdg ,smshla fhduq lr we;;a Tyq th fkd;ld lghq;= lrñka isák njls'

kuq;a Tyq mqgqj bj;a lrkakg fmr úÿy,am;sjrhd ‘ux <uhs 10 u biafldaf,g .kakï''uefrkak tmd’ hhs mejiSu ksid Tyq Èúkid.ekSfï ;e; yd Wmjdih w;ayer ;sfí'

wk;=rej isrer ÿ¾j, uÜgul mj;sk ksid Tyqg ffjoH m‍%;sldr ,nd§u i|yd frday, fj; /f.k .sh nj jd¾;d jqKd' wo WoEik jd¾;d jQfha Tyq tcdmfha wkq.‍%yfhka udkisl ffjoHjrfhl= fj; fhduqlrkakgo kshñ; njhs'

Tyq mqgqjl ke.S úÿ,s mxldfõ f., isrlrf.k isá wjia:dfõ PdhdrEmhla my;ska

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