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zY,ks mSßiaZ

2017 j¾Ifha§ ;sr.; ùug kshñ;" fldñla l;d weiqfrka ks¾udKh zzJustice LeagueZZ kï fyd,sjqâ Ñ;%mgh wm rgg kEoElula lSug fndfyda bvlv ;sfí' ta zzJustice LeagueZZ Ñ;%mgh i|yd Y%S ,dxlsl hqj;shl rx.kfhka odhl ùu Bg m%Odk fya;=jhs'

tys rE.; lsÍï wdrïN lr we;s w;r" fï jkúg ,kavkfha Ôj;a jk weh l,d lghq;= iïnkaOfhka lghq;= lrk wfhl= nj wm iu.ska mejiqjdh' Bg wur;j weh 2016 j¾Ifha§ The Huntsman - Winterzs War Ñ;%mgh i|ydo odhl ù we;' weh kñka Y,ks mSßiah' wehf.a l,d Èúh ms<sn|j l;dny lsÍug wm;a iu. weh fufia tl;= jqjdh'

Tn .ek flá ye¢kaùula lf<d;a@

uf.a ku Y,ks mSßia' uu kqjr Wmka flfkla' uu oekg wjqreÿ 07la ;siafia ,kavkfha Ôj;a fjkjd' Bg wu;rj l,d lghq;= i|yd iïnkaO mqoa.,fhla lsh,;a lshkak mq¿jka'

uq,skau Ñ;%mg ms<sn|j l;d lf<d;a" ta i|yd wjia:dj ,efnkafka fldfyduo@

Ñ;%mg i|yd oialï n,kak mÍlaIK ;sfhkjd' ta i|yd uu whÿï lr,d' fï jif¾ uq,a ld,fha ta i|yd uqyqK ÿkakd' Bg miafia ;uhs ug wjia:dj ,enqfKa'

wjia:dj ,eîu ms<sn|j fudlo ysf;kafka@

uq,skau lshkak ´fka" uu fldñla rislfhla lsh,d' ta ksihs ug ´kElu ;snqfKa fï i|yd odhl fjkak' b;sx fï wjia:dj ug ,enqKd lsh,d ta wh ug oekajQjdu ug f,dl= i;=gla oekqKd'

fuys pß;h .ek hïlsis fohla lsõfjd;a@

fï pß;h b;du;a f,dl= pß;hla kï fkfuhs' kuq;a ta foa ug jákjd lsh,d lshkak mq¿jka' b;du;a ryis.; úoHd.drhla i|yd we;=¿ ùug yelshdj iy ta i|yd n,;, ;sfhk fin<shlaf.a pß;hla i|yd ;uhs uu odhl fjkafka'

,enqKq wjia:dj ms<sn|j wdvïnrhla ;sfhkjdo@

f.dvla f,dl= wdvïnrhla ;sfhkjd' ms<sn|j ;j;a bÈßhg yodr,d' ta u.ska uykais fj,d' rx.k Ys,amskshla úÈyg id¾:l fj,d ,xldfõ ku bÈßhg f.kshkak n,dfmdfrd;a;= fjkjd'

ä,dka l%sIdka;

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