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fgydks budrdkï
isri ksfõÈldjl wod< ke;s
fndaâ tlla Wiaid h<s;a kd .hs

isri iqm¾ iagd¾ jevigyfka§
wjika ;sfokdg
f.dÜg w,a,, weú;a udÜgq
iqm¾ iagd¾ jirlg kj;S

Okisß wur;=x.f. {d;shl= jQ fgydks budrd kï ldka;dj úiska Tiag%ේ,shdj yd Y%S ,xldj w;r R'fma%uodi l%Svdx.kfha mej;s m<uq tlaÈk ;rÛfha , wod< kE ysgx , hkqfjka ,shq fndaâ tlla m%o¾Ykh lsÍu ms<sn|j fï jk úg fndfyda msßilf.a l;d nyg yd úfõpkhg ,laù we;'

isri TV Tiafia lr,shg meñfKk fuu pß;h isri iqma¾iagdia 7 jk wÈhf¾ ksfõÈldjla yeáhgo lghq;= l, w;r wehg lsisu ksfõok iqÿiqlula fyda ckudOH iqÿiqlula fkdue;s wjia:djl fujka jevigykla bÈßm;a lsßug ,nd§uo f,dl= yegÆjla' fya;=j isri iqm¾iagd¾ hkq ,xldfõ ßhe,sá jevigyka j,ska m%uqL jevigykla jQ w;r" Ysydka" m%§ma rx.k wd§ pß; t,shg meñKsfhao fuys uQ,sl jevigyka j,§h'ueh isri iqm¾ iagd¾ jevigyfka§o f.dÜg w,a,d olaIhka bj;a lrñka wjika ;sfokdg meñKsnj wm ljq/;a okakd ldrkhls' miqj isri iqm¾ iagd¾ jevigyko kd.;af;ah'


fuu isoaêh f*ianqla yryd úfõpkh ùug uQ,sl ldrKh jqfha l%slÜ l%Svdjg iïnkaO ke;s fndaâ tlla m%o¾Ykh lsÍu ;=,ska wE n,dfmdfrd;a;= jqfha l=ulao hkakhs'  Y%S ,xld kduh cd;Hka;rhg .sfha l%slÜ l%Svdj ksid nj ´kEu flfkl= okakd ldrKhls' cd;Hka;rhu krUk fujka ;rÛhla w;r;=r , wod, keye , hkqfjka m%o¾Ykh lsÍu jl%dldrj wfma l%slÜ l%Svdjgo t,a,jQ f,dl= uv myrls' fujeks l%slÜ j,g iïnkaO ke;s fndaâ ñka fmr LTTE h úiska tx.,ka;h yd Y%S ,xldj w;r tx.,ka;h mej;s tlaÈk ;rÛhla w;r jdrfha m%o¾Ykh lsÍu yd Y%S ,xldj yd bkaÈhdj w;r bkaÈhdfõ mej;s tlaÈk ;rÛhla w;r jdrfha m%o¾Ykh lsÍu isoaêh wm ldg;a wu;l ke;'

fï isoaêh;a iu. wehf.a f*ianqla yd instagram .sKqï mßlaId lsÍu ;=,ska wmg fmkS .sfha weh Okisß wur;=x.f. {d;shl= jk nj yd wdKavq iufha kdu,a rdcmlaI iu. lsÜgq iïnkao;djla mj;ajdf.k .sh njhs' Bg wu;r úu,a úrjxY jeks pß; iu.o wE in|;d mj;ajdf.k .sh njg idlaIs we;' thg wod, mska;=ro wehf.a iudc cd,d .sKqï ;=, ´kEu flfkl=g oel .; yel'

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