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ú.afkaYajrka wka;¾cd;sl
mÍlaIKhla b,a,hs
mqkre;a:dmkh l< LTTE
idudðlhskaf.a YÍrhg
úi tkak;a lr,dÆ‍

mqkre;a:dmkh ,enQ ysgmq t,aààB idudðlhkaf.a YÍr fj; úi tkak;a fldg ;sfí oehs mÍlaId lsÍug wka;¾cd;sl ffjoHjreka lKavdhula iyNd.s lrjdf.k mÍlaIKhla meje;aúh hq;= nj W;=re m<d;a m%Odk wud;H iS'ù' ú.afkaYajrka uy;d mjihs'

hdmkh lhs;ä m<d;a iNd ixlS¾Kfha meje;a jk W;=re m<d;a iNd /iaùfï§ mqkre;a:dmkh ,enQ ysgmq t,aààB idudðlhkaf.a YÍr fj; úi tkak;a fldg we;s oehs mÍlaId lsÍu isÿl< hq;= njg jk fhdackdjla bÈßm;a lrñka ú.afkaYajrka uy;d tf,i mejeiSh'

uq,;sõ Èia;%sla m<d;a iNd uka;%s à' rúyrka uy;d ilia l< fhdackdj ú.afkaYajrka uy;d úiska m<d;a iNdjg bÈßm;a lrkq ,eîh'

tu fhdackdj iïnkaOfhka rúyrka uy;df.ka úuiSfï§ fyf;u mejeiqfõ mqkre;a:dmkh ,enQ t,aààB idudðlhka úYd, msßila oekg y÷kd fkd.;a frda.j,ska fmf<k w;r mqkre;a:dmkh ,enQ ysgmq t,aààB idudðlhka 107 fokl= y÷kdfkd.;a frda.hkaf.ka Ôú;laIhg m;aj we;s neúka mqkre;a:dmkh ,enQ t,aààB idudðlhkag úi YÍr.; fldg we;s njg fou< ck;dj lrk fpdaokd u; wod< fhdackdj m<d;a iNdj fj; bÈßm;a l< njhs'

t,aààB ixúOdkfha ldka;d foaYmd,k wxY kdhsld ;ñ,skS ms<sldjla je,£ ñh hEu .ek fou< cd;sl ikaOdk ksfhdað;hka iufha wjia:d lsysmhl§ m%ldY lr ;snqfKa mqkre;a:dmkh jQ t,aààB idudðlhkaf.a YÍrj,g úi tkak;a lr ;sfnk njls'

fou< cd;sl ikaOdk ksfhdað;hka fhdackdjg mlaIj Pkaoh m%ldY l< nj rúyrka uy;d i|yka flf<ah'

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