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kj hqO yuqodm;s ljqo @

wi;H me;srùu ioyd
iudc cd, udOH l/jkag
by, ks,hlska fNdack ix.%hla

j;auka hqO yuqodm;s Æ;skka fckrd,a laßmIdka; is,ajd f.a ld,h ,nk ui 22 Èfkka wjika jk w;r fï jk úg tu ;k;=r ioyd oeä ;r.hla we;sù we;s nj úYajdi lghq;= wdrxÑud¾. ioyka lrhs' fïc¾ fckrd,ajre fofofklau fï ioyd rcfha m%n,hka fukau udOH wdh;k o fhdod .ksñka ;u m%pdrl lghq;= isÿlrñka mj;S ' tfukau fhdackdù we;s wfkla hqO yuqod ks,OdÍkag fkdfhl=;a fpdaokd iy wi;H m%pdr iudc cd, Tiafia m%pdrh o chgu lrñka hk w;r ido mj;ajñka tu udOH lrejkag ;udg mlaIj m%pdrK lgqhq;= ioyd fhdod.ekSug W;aiy ork njg tu wdrxÑud¾. jeäÿrg;a ioyka lrhs'

tfukau iqÿiqlï wNsnjd .sh mqoa.,sl ys;j;alï fmrgqfldg .;a ;;ajhlao ^frðfïka;=j $mdi, & we;s fjñka mj;sk w;r tfiau fndfyda hqO yuqod ks,OdÍka hqO yuqodjg udOH u.ska isÿjk wmlS¾;sh yd iqÿiqlï j,g jvd mqoa.,sl yeÿkqïlï u; jk n,mEï .ek oeä l,lsÍfuka miqfõ ' 

udOH j,ska jd¾;d jk wkaoug hqO yuqodm;s ÿrh fhdackd ù we;s w;r ñ,skao mSßia" WNh ueoj, " iqfïO fmf¾rd " pkak .=K;s,l hk fïc¾ fckrd,a jrekaf.a kï ioyka jk w;r j;auka hqO yuqodm;sjrhdgu fiajd È.=ld,hla ,nd§u ;=,ska fïc¾ fckrd,a ufyaIa fiakdkdhl uy;d m;alsÍfï W;aidyhla o laßyhd;aul fjñka mj;S' iqÿiqlï wNsnjd .sh mqoa.,sl ys;j;alï fmrgqfldg .;a ;;ajh u; hymd,k rcfha m%;sm;a;s ms<snojo .eg¿ iy.; ;;ajhla we;slrk nj hqO yuqod ks,Odßkaf.a woyi ù we;s njgo tu wdrxÑud¾. jeäÿrg;a ioyka lrhs'

hymd,kfha mßiudma; w¾;fhka n,k úg fuh iqÿiaidg iqÿiq ;ek ,eìh hq;=h' fndack ix.%yhkag iy miq ,dN m%fhdack Wfoid fujeks oE isÿfjkï thg hymd,kh hehs lsj fkdyelsh' hymd,kh hym;a f,i fuh isÿlrKq we;hs wdKavqfj m%n,hska w;r hï liql=iqjl= we;sj we;s njgo jd¾:d m,fõ'

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