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15 yeúßÈ ke.‚h .eìkshla l,
18 whshd ksjfia§ t,a,S uefrhs

;u myf<dia yeúßÈ ^15& keÕ‚h .eìkshla l< nj lshk tu oeßhf.a fidfydhqrd Bfha ^12od& oyj,a ,Kq fmdglska f., je,,df.k ksfjfia ñhf.dia isáh§ fidhd.;a nj wlaóuk fmd,sish mjihs'

fmdaoao, m%foaYfha j;=hdhl mÈxÑj isá fï myf<dia yeúßÈ oeßhf.a mshd Tjqka w;yer f.dia isg we;s w;r oeßh ish uj yd jeäuy,a fidfydhqrdo ujf.a fojeks újdyfha fidfydhqrd yd fidhqßh iuÕo ksfjfia Ôj;aj isg we;'

tu myf<dia yeúßÈ oeßh .eíf.k we;s njg <udrla‍Il wêldßhg ,o f;dr;=rla u; wlaóuk fmd,sish úiska tu ksfjig f.dia oeßh yd wef.a uj fmd,sishg /f.k f.dia ta .ek Tjqkaf.ka m%Yak lsÍï isÿlrk wjia:dfõ .eí.;a oeßhf.a jeäu,a fidfydhqrd f., je,,df.k we;s njg fmd,sishg f;dr;=re ,eî we;' ta ms<sn|jo wod< oeßhf.ka m%Yak lsÍfï§ weh mjid we;af;a ish fidfydhqrd óg udi wglg ^8& muK fmr ;ud ¥IKhg ,lal< nj;a" ta fya;=fjka wehg udi wgl .enla we;s nj;ah'

fmd,sish úiska f., je,,df.k ñhf.dia isá tu oeßhf.a jeäu,a fidfydhqrd jk oywg ^18& yeúßÈ ;reKhdf.a u< isrer jeäÿr úu¾Yk i|yd lrdmsáh Ysla‍IK frday,g Ndr§ ;sì‚'

;ud w;ska ish keÕ‚h ¥IKhg ,lajQ nj keÕ‚h úiska fmd,sishg mjidú hehs ìhg m;aù fidfydhqrd fuf,i ishÈú kid.kakg we;ehs fmd,sish iel m< lrhs'

udi wgl ^8& .eìkshla nj lshk fulS myf<dia yeúßÈ oeßh lrdmsáh frdayf,a wêlrK ffjoHjrhd fj; bÈßm;a lsÍug kshñ;j we;s w;r wlaóuk fmd,sia ia:dkdêm;s fmd,sia mÍla‍Il tï'tï'tia' mqIaml=udr uy;df.a Wmfoia u; wlaóuk fmd,sia <ud yd ldka;d ld¾hdxYfha ia:dkdêm;sks ldka;d Wm fmd,sia mÍla‍Isld fyauud,s vhia we;=¿

ks,OdÍka úiska jeäÿr mÍla‍IK mj;ajkq ,nhs'

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