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wð;a - iQÔj u; .egqulo @

wð;a fmf¾rg jvd ug fyd|g kS;sh f;afrkjd - iqÔj fiakisxy

uynexl= ne÷ïlr .Kqfokqjg iïnkaO iud.fï wOHlaI uKav,hg wmrdO fpdaokd t,a,lr Tjqka w;awvx.=jg .;hq;= njg ksfhdacH wdud;H wð;a mS' fmf¾rd l< m%ldYh tlai;a cd;sl mlaIfha u;h fkdjk nj rdcH wud;H iqÔj fiakisxy mjihs'

ksfhdacH wud;H wð;a fmf¾rd mjik mßÈ" hful= w;awvx.=jg .;hq;= hehs ks¾foaY lsÍfï yelshdj fldama lñgqjg ke;s nj wo ^Tla'26& meje;s leìkÜ ;SrK oekqï§fï udOH yuqfõ§ rdcH wud;Hjrhd mejiqfõ udOHfõ§kaf.a m%Yakj,g ms<s;=re foñks'

fldama lñgqj" tjeks ks¾foaY ksl=;alsÍfï yelshdj we;s mÍlaIK wxYhla fkdjk nj fmkajd ÿka iqÔj fiakisxy rdcH wud;Hjrhd lshd isáfha wð;a fmf¾rd ksfhdacH wud;Hjrhdf.a m%ldYh Tyqf.a mqoa.,sl ks¾foaYhla úh yels nj h'

ysgmq uyd nexl= wêm;s w¾cqka ufyakaøka wdrlaId lsÍfï lsisÿ wjYH;djla ;udg ke;s nj lS Tyq" ysgmq uyd nexl= wêm;sjrhd yd wod< iud.u w;r ,eÈhdjka w;r .egqula nj;sk nj uq<ska u m%ldY lf<a ;ud nj o lshd isáfha h'

˜‍fldama tl we;=f< isÿfjk foaj,a t<shg weú;a lshkak neye' fldama tl .ek t<sfh l;d lrkak wmsg whs;shla keye' Th t<shg weú;a fldama tl .ek l;dlrk whg fldama tl .ek oekqula keye' wms;a wdidhs l;d lrkak' kuq;a th udOHhg újD; lr,d ke;skï wms ta iïm%odh /l.; hq;=hs' wð;a mS fmf¾rd ksfhdacH weu;s;=ud fldama ks¾foaY lsõjkï tl jerÈhs' uu j.lSfuka lghq;= lrkafka' ug kS;sh f;afrkjd'''˜‍ hehs iqÔj fiakisxy uy;d tys§ m%ldY lr we;'
fldama jd¾;dj ksl=;ajQ miq ta ms<sn| ´kEu m%Yakhlg ms<s;=re §ug ;uka iqodkï nj o Tyq lshd isáfha h'

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