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nia j¾ckfhka .ukd .ukhg ndOd
,x.u niaj,g .,a m%ydr
fmd,sia wdrlaIdjla b,a,hs


mqoa.,sl nia r: fiajlhskaf.a j¾ckh fya;=fjka fld<U we;¿ ;odikak m%foaYj, .ukd .ukhg ndOd t,a, ù ;sfí',xld .ukd .uk uKav,fha iNdm;s ru,a isßj¾Ok uy;d m%ldY lf<a fiiq m%foaYj, ;onohlska f;drj m%jdyk lghq;= isÿ jk njhs'

,x.u nia r: fhdojd ÿr .uka fiajd id¾:lj l%shd;aul lrk w;r tu nia r: fld<Ug meñ‚ miq flá .uka jdr fhoùug mshjr f.k ;sfí'ru,a isßj¾Ok uy;d m%ldY lf<a yhsf,j,a ud¾.h" f,da f,j,a ud¾.h" n;a;ruq,a, ud¾.h iy fydrK ud¾.h i|yd wu;r ,x.u nia r: fhdojk njhs'

fld<U k.rh wdY%s;j ffokslj mqoa.,sl nia r: 4000la muK Odjkh jk w;r ,x.u nia r: 1000la muK Odjkh fjhs'j¾ckh fya;=fjka iuia; ud¾. moaO;sh wdjrKh lsÍug ,x.u nia r: m%udKj;a fkdjk nj jd¾;d fjhs'W;=re m<df;a ÿr .uka fiajd yer wfkl=;a mqoa.,sl nia r: j¾ckhg iyNd.S ù fkdue;'

fï w;r wo^02& Èkfha fld<U wdY%s;j flá .uka jdr i|yd úfYaI ÿïßh fhoùug o Y%S ,xld ÿïßh fiajh mshjr f.k ;sfí'

fï w;r u.S mSvd wju lrñka Odjkfha fhfok Y%S ,x.u nia r:j,g m%foaY lsysmhl § Bfha^01& rd;%Sfha iy iy wo^02& WoEik .,a m%ydr t,a, ù we;s nj jd¾;d fjhs'.,alsiai m%foaYfha § h;=remeÈhlska meñ‚ fofofkl= Y%S ,x.u nia r:hlg tjeks .,a m%ydrhla t,a, lr we;s nj fmd,Sish mjihs';%Sl=Kdu,h fmd,sia n, m%foaYfha §o Y%S ,x.u nia r: follg .,a m%ydr t,a, ù ;sfí'

;%Sl=Kdu,fha isg ;x.,a, olajd Odjkh flfrk nia r:hlg Bfha rd;%sfha .,a m%ydrhla t,a, ù ;sfí'

uQ;+¾ isg ;%Sl=Kdu,hg meñ‚ nia r:hlg wo WoEik .,a m%ydr t,a, ù we;s nj jd¾;d fjhs'nia r:j,g t,a, jQ fuu .,a m%ydr iïnkaOfhka fmd,sia úu¾Yk wdrïN ù we;s w;r ,xld .ukd .uk uKav,fha iNdm;s ru,a isßj¾Ok uy;d úiska Odjkh lrkq ,nk nia r:j,g úfYaI fmd,sia wdrlaIdjla b,a,d we;s njo i|ykah'

fï w;r ;x.,a," fyaklvqj m%foaYfha§ wo w¿hu ,x.u nia r:hlg m%ydrhla t,a, ù ;sfí'

uyr.u äfmdajg wh;a l;r.u isg fld<U n,d Odjkh jQ nia r:hla tf,i wk;=rg ,laj we;s nj ;x.,a, fmd,Sish mejiqfõh'

m%ydrfhka lsisfjl=g;a ;=jd, isÿj fkdue;s w;r nia r:hg w,dN ydks isÿj ;sfí'flfia fj;;a fuu m%ydrh wo Èkfha meje;afjk nia r: j¾ckhg lsis÷ iïnkaO;djhla fkdue;s nj fmd,Sish mejiqfõh'isoaêh iïnkaOfhka ;x.,a, fmd,Sish jeäÿr úu¾Yk isÿ lrhs'

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