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ÿñkao - pñkao we;=¿ miafokd 
ysfrka mek hk ie,iqula t<shg

Ndr; ,laIauka >d;k kvqfõ ;%smqoa., kvq ;Skaÿjg wkqj urŒh oKavkh kshu jQ ysgmq md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S ÿñkao is,ajd fougf.dv pñkao we;=¿ isrlrejka miafokl= nkaOkd.drfhka m,dhEug ie,iqï lsÍula ms<sn|j jyd ryia fmd,sish fj; m%ldYhla ,ndfok f,ig fld<U m%Odk ufyaia;%d;a ,d,a rKisxy nKavdr uy;d je,slv nkaOkd.dr wêldßjrhdg Bfha ^16& ksfhda. lf<ah'

óg wu;rj tu isrlrejka r|jd isák ueÈß m%Odk fÊ,¾jrhdgo ryia fmd,sish fj; m%ldY ,ndfok f,ig fuysÈ kshuúK'

fld<U uydêlrK wxl 6 ;%smqoa., uydêlrK kvq wxl 7781/2015 ork kvqfõ isrlrejka jk wkQI ;=Idr o fu,a" isßkdhl m;srk,df.a pñkao rú chkd;a" fldú,af,a f.or Èidkdhl uqÈhkafia,df.a ir;a nKavdr" iS' tï' m%shka; ckl nKavdr yd wreudÿr f,drkaia frfuf,da ÿñkao is,ajd fuf,i m,dhEug ie,iqï lrk njg ryia fmd,sish wêlrKhg lreKq jd¾;d lr ;sìK'

fuu isrlrejka nkaOkd.drfhka m,dhdug ie,iqï lrk njg úoHq;a udOHfhys m< jQ m%jD;a;sh iïnkaOj kS;sm;sjrhdf.a Wmfoia u; fuu úu¾Ykh ryia fmd,sish wdrïN lr we;'

fuu iellrejka wdrlaId lsÍug fhdodf.k we;s wdrlaIl l%ufõoh" isrlrejkaf.a wdrlaIdj fjkqfjka {d;Skag yd fjk;a mqoa.,hkag isrlrejka yuqùug wjia:dj ,nd§fï§ f.k we;s wdrlaIl mshjr ms<sn| yd fuu isrlrejka m,dhEug W;aidy lrk njg nkaOkd.dr nqoaê wxYh fj; f;dr;=re ,eî we;ao@ hkak wkdjrKh lr .ekSu i|yd je,slv nkaOkd.drfha nkaOkd.dr wêldßjrhd yd isrlrejka r|jd isák ueÈß Ndr m%Odk fÊ,¾jrhdf.ka m%ldY ,nd.ekSug 1979 wxl 15 wmrdO kvq úOdk ix.%yfha 124 j.ka;s m%ldrj ryia fmd,sish wêlrKfhka fuu b,a,Su lr ;sìK'
ryia fmd,sisfha m%Odk fmd,sia mÍlaIl tï' ta' tia' rkað;a uy;d wêlrKh fj; lreKq jd¾;d lf<ah'

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