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Wiia fm, úNd.fhka
.Ks; wxYfhka m%:u ia:dkh ,nd
cfha i;=g ú¢kak ðj;=ka w;r ke;s
i;Hkdoka Ysjÿ¾.df.a
ixfõ§ l;dj

Wiia fm< m%;sM, ksl=;a ùu;a iuÛ jjqkshdfjka wefik ixfõ§ l;djla wmg jd¾;d jQjd'

,o ch.%yKhl i;=g ú| ord .ekSu hkq th oEiska oel ijkska wid ukiska ú£ug yels ùuhs' kuqÿ Ôú; ld,hla mqrd W;aiql ù ,nd .;a ch.%yKhl i;=g ú£ug ;rï Nd.Hla fkdjqKq Èh‚hlf.a fYdal È.yereula miq.shod ijkao jel=fka Wiia fm< m%;sM, ksl=;a ùu;a iuÛh'

Tng u;lo Tlaf;danrfha wUkafmd< § isÿjQ ßh wk;=r' fld<U n,d .uka .ksñka yqka ish iq¿ uj jk ffjoHjßh iuÛska Ôú;fhka iuq.;a Èh‚h Ysjÿ¾.d i;Hkdoka' wo weh Ôj;a fkdjqKo Ôj;a jQ flá ld,fha§ weh oelajQ ymkalïj, m%;sM, ksl=;a ù we;;a tys i;=g ú|.ekSug weh wm w;ßka fjka ù f.diskah' jjqkshdj Èia;%slalfha .‚; wxYfhka m<uqjekshd ùug ;rï weh Nd.Hj;a jqjo th oel oEiska ijkska wid ukiska ú£ug ;rï weh Nd.Hj;a fkdjQjdh'

wehf.a úNd. m%;sM, oel i;=gq úh hq;=o ÿla úh hq;=o hkak is;d.ekSug wmyiqjkafka weh Ôj;a jQjd kï hk yeÛSu" ,enQ m%;sM,j,ska ,o ch.%yKh mrhd biau;= ùuh' flfia j;=ÿ wo weh Ôj;=ka w;r ke;' ñ;=re ñ;=ßhka mjikafka úNd. m%;sM, meñ‚ho ta foi n,d i;=gqùug ;ukag fkdyels njhs'

wo Ysjÿ¾.d wm w;r isáhd kï flfia i;=gq fõo@ hehs Tjqyq l÷¿ msß oEiska m%ldY lr;s' ;ukaf.a m%;sM, n,d .ekSug rïnl=,u ldka;d úoHd,hg meñ‚ isiq isiqúfhda ;u m%;sM,j,ska ,o ch.%yK i;=gqodhl jqj;a ;u fhfy<shf.a u;lh wjÈùfuka buy;a f,i fYdalhg m;aj isà' fujka oeßhlg w;ajQ wl,a urKh;a weh wo ,nd we;s ch.%yKh jjqkshdj rïnl=,u ldka;d úoHd,hu lïmkhg m;al< isÿùula jQ nj tys .=rejßfhda l÷¿ msß oEiska m%ldY l<y'

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