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w¨‍;a uef,aßhd udrfhla
fmaidf,hs <s|lska t<shg

uef,aßhd frda.h uq¿ukskau ;=rka lr we;s rgla njg f,dal fi!LH ixúOdkh úiska kï lr we;s Y%S ,xldfjka uef,aßhd frda. jdyl" u¾okh lsÍug wmyiq w¨‍;au uÿre úfYaIhla yuqjQ nj uef,aßhd u¾ok jHdmdrfha wOHlaI úfYaI{ ffjoH fyauka; fyar;a uy;d mjihs'

;f,hsukakdru ¥mf;a fmaidf,a m%foaYfhka yuqjQ fï uÿre úfYaIh <sx c,fhys YS>%fhka fnda jk" u¾okh lsÍu fnfyúkau wmyiq úfYaIhla nj ffjoH fyar;a uy;d i|yka lrhs'

fuu uÿrejdf.a i;a;aj úoHd;aul kduh wefkdams,Sia iaàjkaihs fõ' fuh bkaÈhdfõ uef,aßhdj fnda lrk m%Odk;u uÿre úfYaIhla nj;a uq,§ W;=re bkaÈhdfjka yuqjQ fuu uÿrejd flá l,la we;=<; ol=Kq bkaÈhdj olajdu jHdma; jQ nj;a fuu uÿre úfYaIhg k.rdY%s;j uef,aßhdj me;sr ùfï yelshdj we;s nj;a wOHlaIjrhd lshd isà'

fï uÿre úfYaIh fidhd f.k we;af;a uef,aßhd u¾ok jHdmdrhg wkqhqla;j fiajh lrk lSg úoHd ks,OdÍka jk hidx. lksIal iy .hdka O¾uisß hk uy;ajreka úisks'

fmaidf,a m%foaYfhka fidhd .;a kj úfYaIfha uÿre lSghka fld<Ug f.keú;a m¾fhaIKd.drhl jefvkakg i,iajd miqj bkaÈhdfõ fcHIaG;u lSg úoHd{hl= jQ wdpd¾h kd;amd,a uy;df.a iydh o ,nd .ksñka y÷kd .ekSu isÿ l< nj úfYaI{ ffjoH fyauka; fyar;a uy;d mjihs'

y÷kd .ekSu;a iuÛu tu uÿre úfYaIh me;sr hEu je<elaùfï §m jHdma; jev igykla fï jk úg;a wdrïN lr we;ehs uef,aßhd u¾ok jHdmdrfha wOHlaIjrhd jeä ÿrg;a lshd isáhs'

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