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;siqß ksfkda wdorfha
ueog .sydka m%kdkaÿ
mekak fya;=j t<shg

fhdjqka mrmqf¾ ckm%sh ks<shla jqKq ;siqß hqjksldf.hs ksfkdaf.hs wdor l;djla ueog ;j;a ckm%sh rx.k Ys,amsfhla jqKq .sydka m%kdkaÿ weú;a lshk l;dj ojia áflau f*ianqla tflka rEmjdysksfhkq;a Tn olskak we;s'

ksfkda kej;s,d bkafka ;siqß,df.a f.or' fokakd w;f¾ mqxÑ wdor iïnkaOhla ;snqKd ;siqßf.a wïu;a fï .ek fmdâv fmdâv oekf.k ysáhd' láka ta .ek lSfõ ke;s jqKdg wïu;a lrk iuyr jevj,ska ta nj fyd|gu f;areKd'
Th w;f¾ ;uhs ;siqß lido n¢kak leu;shs lsh,d .sydka m%kdkaÿ ;siqßf.a wïu yïnfjkak tkafka' .sydka j,õ ldrfhla' hyñka i,a,s ;sfhkjd' yenehs fï jefâg ;siqß kï leu;sfj,d ;snqfKa kE' yenehs wïud kï tl mhska fï jefâg leu;shs' fudlo .sydkagu lsh,d f.hla tfyuq ;sfhkjfka'

ksfkdagu lsh,d f.hla yodf.k ;síndkï wïug fokakdf.a wdof¾ .ek lsh,d tl f.hla hgg ;siqßg;a ´kslu ;sínd' Th w;f¾ ;uhs ;siqß oelafla m;a;f¾l ;sín f.hla yod.kak ySfka yenE lr.kak mqÆjka weâ tl'

Th m;a;r lE,a, wrf.k .shmq ksfkda k;r jqfka ;siqßf.a wïuf.;a ys; Èkd.kak mqÆjka jqKq ,iaik f.orl ySfka yenE lrf.k' tod ;siqß m;a;f¾ ;shkjd oel,d ÿkafka fi,dka nexl=fjka fok isßksji ksjdi Kh l%uh .ek ;sín weâ tlla' fï isoaêh;a tlal f.dv fofkla ;siqß" ksfkda" .sydka bkak ùäfhdaj, wÛ uq, fydhkak .;a;d' wmsg oek.kak ,enqKq úÈhg Tkak ´l ;uhs we;a; l;dj'''

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