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uu ckm%sh k¿fjl=g wdof¾ lf<a kE
rd.h iy wdorh tl iudkhs
-wkqId ouhka;s

k¾;k Ys,amskshla fukau rx.k Ys,ams,amskshla f,i;a risl yoj;aj,g ióm flfkla ;uhs wkqId ouhka;s' wdorh .ek wdorh wehg oekqfka fldfyduo lsh,d oek.kak ßúirishg wm fujr wehj iïnkaO lr.;a;d'

wdof¾g ks¾jpkhla ÿkafkd;a@
wdof¾ lshkafka mdgla ke;s mlaIhla ke;s jhi fNaohla ke;s fohla'ta wdof¾g lshkafka ys;lg oefkkak mq¿jka yßu iqkaor ye`.Sula'

mdi,a fma‍%uh iqkaoro@
Ôúf;a iqkaoru ldf,a ;uhs mdi,a ldf,a'ta wdof¾ lshk foa ,iaikgu oefkkak mgka .;af;;a mdi,a wjÈfha§ ;uhs'

wdof¾ uq,skau ys;g oefkkfldg jhi lSho@
yaïï jhi wjqreÿ 15la ú;r we;s'

mdi,a fma‍%ufha u;l fudkjo@
u;l lshkafka wdof¾ yqjudre lf<a ,shqï ,sh, fmd;aj, od, fokjd u;lhs'

m‍%:u fma‍%uh wu;l lrkak mq¿jkao@
ldgj;au wu;l lrkak mq¿jka lula keye'yojf;a fld;ekl yß u;lhka b;=re fj,d ;shkjd'kuq;a wu;l lrkak neye lsh, keye'kuq;a yeuodu;a b;ska u;lhka ke;s fj,d hkafka kï keye'

wdof¾ lroa§ uq,skau ,enqKq ;E.a.@
uq,skau u;lfha ;sfhkafka ,iaik *hs,a ljfrl=hs";Ska; mEkla ;ud ,enqfKa'

wdorh m‍%ldY l< hq;af;a yeuúgu fmïj;do @
wksjd¾fhkau ug oefkk úÈhg msßñ md¾Yajfhka wdorh m‍%ldY úh hq;=hs'

Tn m‍%:ufhkau ldgyß wdof¾ m‍%ldY lr,d ;sfhkjo@
yaïïïï…' keye'

wm‍%ldYs; wdor l;d lShla Tfí Ôúf;a ;shkjo@
wm‍%ldYs; wdor l;d lsh,  ;sì, keye'

ckm‍%sh k¿jka lSfofkl=g Tn wdof¾ lr,d ;sfhkjo@
tfyu kï keye' yoj;skau tfyu wdorhla kï ;snqfKa keye'

Tn wdof¾§ n,dfmdfrd;a;= fjk fmïj;dg ;sìh hq;= .;s .=K fudkdo@
úfYaIfhkau b;ska udkqISh .;s .=K ;sfnkak  ´ks' l;d ny yeisÍu úYajdih wksjd¾fhkau ;sfnkak wjYHhs'

wdorhg iy rd.hg tlúg meje;aula ;sfhkak mq¿jkao@
ux ys;kafka ta folgu tlúg meje;aula ;shkak  ´ks'rd.h iy wdorh tl iudkhs'uu ys;kafka 50]la'

Tyq Tng wdof¾g lshk ku fudloao@

Tn Tyqg wof¾g wu;kafka fldfyduo@
úfYaIfhka lsh, keye'uka ku lsh, wu;kak we;s'

úryj lS j;djla ú|,d ;shkjo@
úryj ú`o,d ;shkjd'tl j;djla'

wdorh újdyfhkau fl<jr úh hq;=o@
tfyu úh hq;= keye'újdyfhkau fl<jr fjkjkï fyd`ohs' kuq;a tfyu fjkaku  ´ks lsh, keye'

Tyq ;ry jqfKd;a Tn Tyqj hd¿ lr .kak fudlo lrkafka@
tal kï wjia:dj wkqj fjkia fjkjd'

wdorhg jhi m‍%Yakhla fkao@
uka kï ys;kafka wdof¾g jhi kï ndOdjla fyda m‍%Yakhla fkfjhs'

pdrekaÈ lreKd;s,l

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