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mqoa.,sl yd foaYmd,ksl fya;+ka u; cd;sl wdrlaIdj wE|d.ksñka rch" wdrlaIl wud;HdxYh yd hqoaO yuqod kdhl;ajh úfõpkh lsÍu iuia: hqoaO yuqodju ;rfha fy,d  olskafka hehs Y%S ,xld hqo yuqod uQ,ia:dkh ksfõokhla ksl=;a lrñka mjihs'

we;eï úY%dñl yuqod ks<OdÍka úiska Y%S ,xld hqoaO yuqodfõ hqouh iQodku ms<sn|j Tjqka iEySulg m;a fkdjk neõ m%ldY we;ehs o jir .Kkdjlg miqj úY%du f.dia msg; isg hqoaO yuqodfõ hqOuh Yla;sh ms<sn|j iudf,dapkh lsÍug lsisfjl=g fkdyels hehs o tu ksfõokfha i|yka fõ'
wjYH wjia:djkaySÈ ysgmq hqoaO yuqodêm;sjreka fukau" w;aoelSï iys; úY%dñl fcHIaG ks<OdÍka iu. woyia yqjudre lr .ksñka hqoaO yuqodfõ Yla;sh ;jÿrg;a j¾Okh lsÍug hqoaO yuqodj iEuúgu l%shdlr we;ehs o bÈßhg;a tfia lghq;= lsÍug lsis÷ wjia:djl fkdmiqng jkafka hehs o tu ksfõokh u.ska  yuqod uQ,ia:dkh mjihs'

;jo" hqoaO yuqod ixia:d h:dfhda.H m%udKlrKh hgf;a wvq Ng msßilf.ka hq;a n<weKs ixLHd;aul jYfhka Yla;su;a lr we;s w;r" tu.ska LKav yd lKavdhï jYfhka ksis wdldrj ixúOdkh ù ´kEu ;;ajhlg uqyqK§ug ish¿u n<weKs fmr iQodkulska hq;=j ;eîug wjYH l%shdud¾. f.k we;s kuq;a hqo úYaf,aIlhska hehs y÷kajd.;a we;eï mqoa.,hska úiska th l|jqre jidoeóula njg w¾:l;kh lr we;ehs o  tfia jid we;s hqouh jYfhka jeo.;ajk l|jqre fudkjdo hkak fmkajd fok f,i Wla; hqo úYaf,aIlhskayg wNsfhda. lr isák nj o Y%S ,xld hqoaO yuqodj mjihs' 

hqoaOfha úch.%yKfhka miq yuqodm;sjreka isõ fofkl= hgf;a hqoaO yuqodfõ hqouh iQodku Wiia ;;a;ajhlg f.k we;ehs o kj ;dlaIKh yd cd;Hka;r hqo {dkh iuÛ ÈhqKq yuqodjla njg Y%S ,xld hqoaO yuqodj m;alr we;ehs o Y%S ,xld hqoaO yuqod uQ,ia:dkh mjihs'

ta wkqj ;u rg wdrlaId lrÿka iy rg kej; hqoaOhlg f.khdug bvfkd§ jD;a;shuh yuqodjla jYfhka lghq;= lrk Tnf.a Y%S ,xld hqoaO yuqodj flfrys ;jÿrg;a ;u úYajdih ;nd.kakd f,i nqoaêu;a ck;djf.ka b,a,d isák nj o tys jeäÿrg;a i|yka fõ'

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