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ia;%Ska 13la ¥IKh l<
pQÈ;hska 3la ksoyia lrkakehs
ú.afkaIajrka bka§h
w.ue;sf.ka b,a,hs

ia;%Ska 13la ¥IKh lsÍu yd mqoa.,fhl= >d;kh lsÍfï fpdaokdjg jerÈlrejka ù isro`vqjï ú¢k ;sfofkl= wysxilhska nj i|yka lrñka Tjqka ksoyia lrk f,i b,a,d ysgmq fYa%IaGdêlrK úksiqrejrfhl= o jk j;auka W;=re m<d;a uyweu;s iS'ù ú.afkaIajrka uy;d bka§h w.%dud;H kf¾kao% fudaä fj; ,smshla hjd ;sfí'

bkaÈhdfõ g%sÑ ys 1994 isÿj we;s isoaêhla iïnkaOfhka fuf,i isroඬqjï ,nd isákafka ,dxlslhska ;sfofkls' fuu ¥IK isoaêhg isõfofkl= iïnkaO ù we;s w;r tys m%Odk pQÈ;hd f,i y÷kd.;a ndf,kao%ka keue;a;d isroඬqjï ú¢ñka isáh§ 2011 jif¾§ ñhf.dia we;'

bka§h wêlrKhla yuqfõ foj;djl§u fudjqka isõfokd Ôú;dka;h olajd isro`vqjug hg;alr ;sfí' tfia jqjo fuu ¥IK isoaêhg Tjqkaf.a meyeÈ,s iïnkaO‍hla ke;s nj fmkajdfok W;=f¾ uyweu;sjrhd fudjqka wysxilhska nj;a" fï ksid Tjqka läkñka ksoyia lrk f,i;a" tu ,smsh u.ska b,a,d we;'

W;=f¾ uyweu;sjrhdf.a fuu b,a,Su .ek bka§h rcfha fcHIaG ks,OdÍka úu;sh m< lr ;sfí' bkaÈhdkq wêlrKhlska jerÈlrejka jQjka wysxilhska f,i ú.afkaIajrka uyweu;sjrhd úiska yqjdoelaùu .ek  Tjqka oeä úu;sh m< lr we;ehs bka§h udOH jd¾;d lrhs'

fuu fpdaokdjg jerÈlrejka ù isr|vqjï ú¢k ;sfokd w;r isák wfhl=f.a ìßhla ¥IKhg ,laj .eí .;a o%úv ;reKshkaf.a ore l<, .íidjg jerÈldßh ù 39 uila isroඬqjï ú| fïjk úg isfrka ksoyia j isák nj o tu jd¾;dj, oelafjhs'

ia;%Ska 13 fofkl= ¥IKh lsÍu yd mqoa.,fhl= >d;kh lsÍfï jrog isroඬqjï ,enQ isõfokdf.ka fïjk úg b;sßj isák ;sfokd bkaÈhdfõ" kjÈ,a,s ys mqid,a keue;s nkaOkd.drfha r|jd isà' 

-wo forK-

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