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.=jka hdkh bÈßfhka
.uka l< wfhla
tkaðu we;=<g we§f.dia
lE<sj,g weUfrhs


mK.kajd ;snQ .=jka hdkhla  bÈßfhka .uka l< .=jkaf;dgqm< ld¾h uKav, fiajlfhla  tkaðula  we;=<g we§hk whqre oelafjk ùäfhdajla wka;¾cd,hg uqod yer ;sfnkjd'wk;=r jd¾;dfjkafka wefußldfõ fglaidia zt,a mdfidaz wka;¾cd;sl .=jkaf;dgqm<ska' ta i÷od'

.=jkaf;dgqm< fiajlhd fndahsx 737 j¾.fha hdkfha  tkaðula  bÈßfhka .uka lrñka isáh§ tlajru tkaðu we;=<g we§f.dia ;sfnkjd' ta iu. tkaðu .sksf.k we;s w;r uia leo,s iys;j  úYd, ÿï cd,djla wfkla mfika msgfjk whqre olakg ,efnhs'

wxl 1515 ork hdkh - yqiagka ys nqIa wka;¾cd;sl .=jkaf;dgqm<g  msg;aùu i|yd iqodkïlrñka  ;sìh§ wk;=r isÿjQ nj n,OdÍka  mjid we;'

fndahsx 737 hdkfha u.Ska 114 la iy ld¾huKav,fha 5la tu wjia:dfõ .uk i|yd iqodkïj isg ;sfí' wefußldfõ  ksß; È. l,dm .=jkalghq;=  ms<sn| Tla,fydaud  ys ld¾hd,h mjid we;af;a  hdkfhys iemhqï lrefjl= úm;g m;a jQ njhs'

fÄojdplh ms<sn| fiajlhdf.a {d;Skafj; iud.fï ks, fYdalh m<lr ;sfí'.=jka iud.u fmkajd fokafka fujeksu  wk;=re óg fmro f,dj isÿj we;s njhs' wefußldkq zcd;sl m%jdyk wdrlaIl uKav,hz ksfõokh lr we;af;a fglaidia zt,a mdfidaz wka;¾cd;sl .=jkaf;dgqm< fÄokSh isoaêh ms<sn| úu¾Ykh i|yd lKavdhula  msg;alr we;s njhs'

wk;=r ms<sn| wka;¾cd,hg uqod yer we;s ùäfhdaj my;ska '''
ixfõ§ kï keröfuka j<lskak

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