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ix.Sf;g ,laI 276 .;a l;djg
Nd;sh ms<s;=re fohs

fuu uqo,a whlsÍu isoaOjQfha .S;
.dhk lsÍu i|yd muKla fkfjhs

fn,a,kaú, weúÈk ux;Srej yd wdydr wx.Kh újD; lsÍfï W;aijfha .S; .dhkh fjkqfjka Nd;sh ika;=Ia iïnkaO iud.ulg remsh,a ,laI 276 la f.jd we;s nj;a meh fol yudrl ld,hla ;=< meje;s fuu m%ix.hg ta wkqj isxÿ lSug ñks;a;=jg ,laI 2 lg jeä m%udKhla awhlrf.k we;s njg m%pdrh jk mqj;g ckm%sh .dhl Nd;sh chfldä ms<s;=r ,nd§ ;sfí'
tys§ .S; .dhk lsÍu i|yd Nd;sh ika;=Ia fuid úYd, uqo,la whl<dhehs kef.k fpdaokdj Tyq úiska iïmqrKfhkau m%;slafIamlr ;sfí' fuys§ isÿjqfKa m%ix.hl .S; .dhk lsÍu fkdj fõ/ia .Õ jHdmD;sh iudrïNl W;aijh ixúOdkh lsÍu nj;a Tyq mjid we;'

fuu W;aijh ixúOdkh lsÍu wka;¾cd;sl uÜgfï m%ix. W;aij ixúOdkh lghq;= isÿlrk Showtown kue;s iud.u úiska isÿl< njo ckm%sh .dhl Nd;sh úiska fuys§ lreKq wkdjrKh lr ;sfí' ;u wdh;kfha ku fyda yß yeá fkdoek fuf,i jerÈ mqj;a m%pdrh i|yd idjoH lreKq fhdod.ekSu ms,sn| ish lK.dgqj m, lrk njo Tyq mjid ;sfí'

lsf,daóg¾ ;=kl N=ñ Nd.hl w,xldrj;a úÿ,s wdf,dalOdrdjka iemhSu" Yío úldYk hka;% Ndú;d lsÍu" úfYaI wdrdê;hkag j¾Idfjka wdrlaIdjk f,i wdik mekùu" meñ‚ isá w;s úYd, ckldhg wdik mekùu" LED mqjre N=ñ Nd.h mqrdjg u. fomi m%o¾Ykh" Èh u; mdfjk wdl¾YkSh fõÈldjla bÈlsßu" úÿ,s ckl hka;% fod<yla Ndú;d lsÍu hk úYd, jevfldgila fuys§ isÿl< njo Nd;sh mjihs' k¾;k lKavdhï" ix.S; lKavdhï" .dhl .dhsldjkaf.a isg ld¾ñlhka" ßhÿrka olajd úYd, msßilf.a odhl;ajh iy ;j;a iud.ï j, fiajdjka ,nd.ksñka fuu úYd, W;aijh id¾:lj ixúOdkh lsÍug lghq;= l< njo Tyq jeäÿrg;a mjid ;sfí'

tfyhska ;u wdh;kh b;d meyeÈ,sj iy úksúoNdjhlska fuys§ lghq;= lr we;s neúka fujeks mokï úrys; uv m%pdr j,g fkd/jfgk f,io Nd;sh i|yka lr we;'

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